英语人>网络例句>职业是 相关的搜索结果


与 职业是 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Being aroustabout was rated the worst,followed by lumberjack,ironworker,dairy farmer and welder,it said.


Being a roustabout was rated the worst, followed by lumberjack , ironworker, dairy farmer and welder, it said.


Thus, as new colleges were established in this era, most were guided by vocational objectives rather than by Jeffersonian ideals.


Jess knew he had to go; it was his job, it was his career.


This is really the chief test of a vocation, as it is also in epitome the main work of the two years of the novitiate, and for that matter of the entire life of a Jesuit.

这实在是行政的考验,职业,因为它也是在缩影主要的工作了两年的novitiate ,并为这件事的整个生命的耶稣。

Of what nature were the external inducements which, during the Imperial period, tended to draw a man of inherent capacity to the pursuits of the jurisconsult may best be understood by considering the option which was practically before him in his choice of a profession.


You don't have to be concerned too much because you are not the first one who eats the crab. If my memory serves right, it was in 2004 that 61-year-old British parliament member and anchor of BBC Robert Kilroy Silk experienced the similar incident as you did. His 17-year career life in front of the camera as an anchor of a popular daily talk show program called to an end because he verbally insulted Arabians.


Thereinto, all of the factors listed in this research can impact on business relational resource. The status of entrepreneur's kinfolks, entrepreneur's education, management experience and networking endeavor can impact on institutional relational resource.


"This year's US PGA golf event is considered the tough est, especially with it's knee-high rough."


Division of labour along occupational likes is rare, although not wholly lacking, in preliterate societies—despite a widespread notion that one member of a tribe specializes in making arrows, which he exchanges for moccasins made by another specialist.


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He's not dead: Doctor Kenneth thinks he may last another day.


We particularly like how the project reestablished the hillside in a sustainable way.


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