英语人>网络例句>职业是 相关的搜索结果


与 职业是 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are 4 reasons leading to it: firstly, stimulated by the interests, the standards of selecting the news by the journalists and editors is not measured by its social value and real meaning but only to catering to the a audiences psychological needs seeking for the bizarreness etc.


Firstly, oscillation between events of imperial and of local interest, the anticipated diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria (born 1820, acceded 1837) and the posticipated opening of the new municipal fish market: secondly, apprehension of opposition from extreme circles on the questions of the respective visits of Their Royal Highnesses the duke and duchess of York and of His Majesty King Brian Boru: thirdly, a conflict between professional etiquette and professional emulation concerning the recent erections of the Grand Lyric Hall on Burgh Quay and the Theatre Royal in Hawkins street: fourthly, distraction resultant from compassion for Nelly Bouverist's non-intellectual, non-political, non-topical expression of countenance and concupiscence caused by Nelly Bouverist's revelations of white articles of non-intellectual, non-political, non-topical underclothing while she was in the articles: fifthly, the difficulties of the selection of appropriate music and humorous allusions from Everybody's Book of Jokes (1000 pages and a laugh in every one): sixthly, the rhymes, homophonous and cacophonous, associated with the names of the new lord mayor, Daniel Tallon, the new high sheriff, Thomas Pile and the new solicitorgeneral, Dunbar Plunket Barton.

123首先,有关皇室与当地的两档子事,歌中究竟写哪一桩,令人难以做出抉择。要么是提前描写维多利亚女王(一八二0 年出生,一八三七年即位)的六十周年大庆;要么是将新修建的市营鱼市开张典礼的日期移后。第二,深恐皇族约克公爵和公爵夫人以及布赖恩。勃鲁国王陛下分别前来访问一事,会招致来自左右两方面的反对。第三,新峻工的伯格码头区的大歌剧厅和霍金斯街的皇家剧场,存在着职业的礼仪与职业的竞争之间的矛盾。第四,由于内莉。布弗里斯特的那种非理性、非政治、不时兴的容貌会引起观众的同情;内莉。布弗里斯特身穿非理性、非政治、不时兴的白色衬衣,当她表演时一旦将衬衣袒露出来,会撩拨观众的情欲,令人担心会使观众神魂颠倒。第五,不论是挑选适当的乐曲还是从《笑话共赏集》(共一千页,每个笑话都令人捧腹)里选一些滑稽的隐喻都是困难的。第六,这首主题歌不论谐不谐音,都与新任市长大人丹尼尔。塔仑、新任行政司法长官托马斯。派尔以及新任副检察长邓巴。普伦凯特。巴顿的姓名有联系。

Eagles--Last Good Time In Town [00:20.02]1223_dd制作 [00:58.45]I like to go out every now and then [01:02.30]I can't wait to do it again [01:06.19]But I haven't had the time [01:10.81]Lately [01:14.27]I like to step out every once in a while [01:18.89]I kind of like to do it in style [01:22.90]I haven't had the time [01:26.96]Lately [01:31.70]Lately I've been stayin' at home [01:35.60](Stayin' at home, stayin' at home) [01:39.73]Workin' the crosswords, turn off the phone [01:43.85](Turn off the phone, turn off the phone) [01:51.71]And I dream I'm on vacation [01:55.86]'Cause I like the way that sounds [01:59.98]It's a perfect occupation [02:04.27]For me [02:08.90]I don't mind being by myself [02:12.72]If there's no one else around [02:16.69]It's the last good time in town [02:38.59]Well, I could stand up straight, get a real job [02:43.25]Stay up late with the same old mob [02:47.16]But it hasn't crossed my mind [02:51.79]Lately [02:55.97]Put on a suit, work downtown [03:00.12]Then come up when the sun goes down [03:03.88]No, I haven't had the time [03:08.50]Lately [03:12.70]Lately I've been stayin' at home [03:20.37](Stayin' at home, stayin' at home) [03:21.06]Closin' the curtains, play jazz on trombone [03:24.95](Jazz on trombone, jazz on trombone) [03:32.55]And I dream I'm on vacation [03:36.79]No, you won't see me around [03:41.00]It's a perfect situation [03:45.37]For me [03:49.77]I don't mind being by myself [03:53.68]'Cause I know you'll come on down [03:57.59]It's the last good time in town [05:12.71]Lately I've been stayin' at home [05:16.58](Stayin' at home, stayin' at home) [05:20.72]Workin' the crosswords, turn off the phone [05:24.88](Turn off the phone, turn off the phone) [05:32.65]And I dream I'm on vacation [05:36.68]'Cause I like the way that sounds [05:40.96]It's a perfect occupation [05:45.20]For me, yes it is [05:49.85]I don't mind being by myself [05:53.75]If you don't see me around [05:57.75]It's the last good time, last good time in town

钛:最后好时光在城市 [按:1223_dd] [00:00.01]鹰-最后好时光在城 [00:20.02] 1223_dd制作 [00:58.45]我想现在出去,然后每 [01:02.30]我不能等待再次做 [01:06.19]但我没有时间 [01:10.81]最近 [01:14.27]我想退了,而在每一次 [01:18.89]我有点像做有声有色 [01:22.90]我没有时间 [01:26.96]最近 [01:31.70]最近我一直留驻'在家 [01:35.60](留驻'在家里,留驻'在家) [01:39.73] Workin'的纵横字谜,关掉手机 [01:43.85](关闭手机关闭,关闭手机) [01:51.71]我的梦想我在我休假 [01:55.86]'原因我很喜欢的声音 [01:59.98]这是一个完美的职业 [02:04.27]对我来说 [02:08.90]我不介意由我正 [02:12.72]如果没有其他人靠近 [02:16.69]这是最后一次在城里好 [02:38.59]嗯,我可以挺直腰杆,得到一份真正的工作 [02:43.25]保持与老暴徒晚 [02:47.16]但一直没有干扰过我 [02:51.79]最近 [02:55.97]关于提起诉讼,把工作市中心 [03:00.12]然后提出时,天黑了 [03:03.88]没有,我没有时间 [03:08.50]最近 [03:12.70]最近我一直留驻'在家 [03:20.37](留驻'在家里,留驻'在家) [03:21.06] Closin'的窗帘,玩爵士长号 [03:24.95](爵士乐长号,爵士的长号) [03:32.55]我的梦想我在我休假 [03:36.79]不,你不会看到我周围 [03:41.00]这是一个完美的情况 [03:45.37]对我来说 [03:49.77]我不介意由我正 [03:53.68]'的原因,我知道你会来的下降 [03:57.59]这是最后一次在城里好 [05:12.71]最近我一直留驻'在家 [05:16.58](留驻'在家里,留驻'在家) [05:20.72] Workin'的纵横字谜,关掉手机 [05:24.88](关闭手机关闭,关闭手机) [05:32.65]我的梦想我在我休假 [05:36.68]'原因我很喜欢的声音 [05:40.96]这是一个完美的职业 [05:45.20]对我来说,是有 [05:49.85]我不介意由我正 [05:53.75]如果你看不到我周围 [05:57.75]这是最后的好时机,最后在城里的好时机

Based on expounding the differences and relationships between thesis as exercise process and thesis as academic research,the author tries to suggest the strategies of selecting topics and researching methods following design question,revealing the integration of graphic thinking and logic thinking during the process of design research.


There was on his face an expression of solemn and holy rapture, as if he were revealing to me the mysteries of his religion. I became far more interested in him than in the socks. I looked at him in amazement."My friend," said I,"if you can keep this up, if this is not merely the enthusiasm that comes from novelty, from having a new job, if you can keep up this zeal and excitement day after day, in ten years you will own every sock in the United States." My amazement at his pride and joy in salesmanship will be easily understood by all who read this article. In many shops the customer has to wait for someone to wait upon him. And when finally some clerk does deign to notice you, you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him. Either he is absorbed in profound thought in which he hates to be disturbed or he is skylarking with a girl clerk and you feel like apologizing for thrusting yourself into such intimacy. He displays no interest either in you or in the goods he is paid to sell. Yet possibly that very clerk who is now so apathetic began his career with hope and enthusiasm. The daily grind was too much for him; the novelty wore off; his only pleasures were found outside of working hours. He became a mechanical, not inspired, salesman. After being mechanical, he became incompetent; then he saw younger clerks who had more zest in their work, promoted over him. He became sour. That was the last stage. His usefulness was over. I have observed this melancholy decline in the lives of so many men in so many occupations that I have come to the conclusion that the surest road to failure is to do things mechanically. There are many teachers in schools and colleges who seem duller than the dullest of their pupils; they go through the motions of teaching, but they are as impersonal as a telephone.


This paper therefore examines the development of "the folklore Pai-Chang of Peking opera aria in Tainan city" through literature review depth-interview oral history and participant observation The concept frame is culture organism as the vertical axle and elements of a folklore activity as the transverse axle There are several significant findings about the general picture of this subject: During the late period of Japanese colonial era Tainan local people who played Peguan music learned Peking opera aria and tried to bring Peking opera aria into the folklore Pai-Chang which was one kind performance and traditional custom of Peguan music Some people who came from other places and played Peking opera aria had also known or learned "Pai-Chang" with touching Tainan local amateurs "Pai-Chang" used to be performed by amateurs for worship of god or goddess or for seasoning and wedding celebration without rewards Amateurs volunteered to perform "Pai-Chang" only for their duty temples and fraternity of Peking opera aria The majority of the audience is people who perform or like "Pai-Chang" or who live nearby There is a fixed pattern of the performance including the repertoire and the arrangement of the band The main meaning of this performace is to pray God's blessings therefore the procedure of "Ban-Hsian" is the most essential and ahead of Peking opera aria singing With time goes by the number of the amateurs has dropped; yet the demand for the worship ceremony remains; hence some of the amateurs have been trained to become professional performers Besides although the idea and the meaning of "Pai-Chang" remains the pattern of the performance has become simplified and rigid which is because of the performers' number decreasing and market adapting Nowadays the whole ecosystem of the folklore Pai-Chang of Peking opera aria in Tainan city keep changing which is mainly influenced by the transition of the society(such as the time and space of the industrial and commercial society being compressed and most people's pursuing of specialization and utilitarianism etc ) According to the findings in this paper the phenomenon can be regarded as the subject matter both of Peking opera and folklore studies For the studies of the Taiwanese culture however the subject not only enriches the subject matters of the Taiwanese culture(signifies the localization of Peking opera and a new pattern of Taiwanese folklore) but also reflects the characters of diversification integration adaptation and compromise of Taiwanese culture which used to be influenced by different regimes and the historical contexts Facing such a multicultural context this paper thus suggests researchers should show an open-minded attitude toward the complex of the Taiwanese culture studies and then important phenomenon would not be ignored or misunderstood


When life does not get on well with work, he redresses the balance.

听力译文(J=詹姆斯P=帕玛拉M=麦尔文) P詹姆斯在你辉煌的事业中你比别人更成功是走运吗 J这一点我不争辩事实上我是既是幸运又幸福 62 M那么说确切一些你把成功归结于什么呢 J我的哲学一直是找出自己从中能得到满足的工作 P大概也是能使你从中得到乐趣的荼 J绝对正确 M那跟我们说说你的秘密 J嗯在我工作的日子里我总问自己某些问题主要是在我感到不满意的时候 P对自己不满 J这么说吧对自己的生活感到不满职业方面的和个人生活方面的每次做出的回答都能给我指出新的方向或新的奋斗目标 M你问了哪些问题 J显然事业早期主要的问题都是关于钱的例如想挣的更多吗如果回答是肯定的那我就在采取步骤去实现或者使老板相信我值更多的薪水或者另谋职务首先钱对我是主要动力 P那么在你需求的阶梯上下一项是什么 J嗯下一项跟钱同样重要的是得到人们的承认别人真正懂得珍视我的努力吗如果回答是否定的那就到了应该打破原先平衡的时候这样方能谋求我理应得到的那份尊重 M照你这么一说你是把得到承认和金钱放在同样的位置了 J当然这样了接下来的便是责任我需要接受更多的挑战不仅是为了挑战本身而且我也从担负较多的责任中获益匪浅走向成功确保事事都顺利一旦有点差错就勇担其责当然责任大了必然需要更多的支持不言而喻当今成功的群体全都是由各种职业的人才组成的简单地说责任加支持就是我想要的 P毫无疑问你在鲁毕康组建了这样一个成功的团队 J确实如此他们无疑是与我共过事的同事中最有才华的无论是工作上还是其它方面我们观点一致相互配合达成默契 M詹姆斯我看你在鲁毕康达到了成功的顶峰 J我同意这点事实上在鲁毕康的最后期间我已经实现了自己大部分的目标我需要更多的时间来发展业余爱好顺便提一下我的妻子一直忠实地支持我是我坚强的后盾她认为我应该在工作会议之外多花些时间于是我开始培养一系列的业余爱好一些我以前总是浅尝辄止但从未真正精通的事情比如打高尔夫球或看优秀小说 P退出权力核心对你来说困难吗 J一点儿也不更多的时间用于业余爱好这正是我所想要的我还希望假期更长些一般说来别人认为你应抽出两周来恢复精力我想我的精力一直在很好地恢复不过需求总是在变化的我需要休息时间和假若来好好考虑下一步 P那么我们要看到詹姆斯里布鲁德卡潇洒退出公众生活了 J不是这样正如我刚才说的需求总是在变化的我的巾是总要把握住平衡我现在所处的位置使有足够的空间去做自己想做的事情总的来说我到目前为止对自己的生活十分满意 M剩下还有什么 J找到更多自己想做的事这是个挑战是寻求生活中更丰富内容的挑战

When life does not get on well with work, he redresses the balance.

听力译文(J=詹姆斯 P=帕玛拉 M=麦尔文) P 詹姆斯在你辉煌的事业中你比别人更成功是走运吗 J 这一点我不争辩事实上我是既是幸运又幸福更多请进大家学习网http://club.topsage.com M 那么说确切一些你把成功归结于什么呢 J 我的哲学一直是找出自己从中能得到满足的工作 P 大概也是能使你从中得到乐趣的荼 J 绝对正确 M 那跟我们说说你的秘密 J 嗯在我工作的日子里我总问自己某些问题主要是在我感到不满意的时候 P 对自己不满职业方面的和个人生活方面的每次做出的回答都 J 这么说吧对自己的生活感到不满能给我指出新的方向或新的奋斗目标 M 你问了哪些问题 J 显然事业早期主要的问题都是关于钱的例如想挣的更多吗如果回答是肯定的那我就在采取步骤去实现或者使老板相信我值更多的薪水或者另谋职务首先钱对我是主要动力 P 那么在你需求的阶梯上下一项是什么 J 嗯下一项跟钱同样重要的是得到人们的承认别人真正懂得珍视我的努力吗如果回答是否定的那就到了应该打破原先平衡的时候这样方能谋求我理应得到的那份尊重 M 照你这么一说你是把得到承认和金钱放在同样的位置了 J 当然这样了接下来的便是责任我需要接受更多的挑战不仅是为了挑战本身而且确保事事都顺利一旦有点差错就勇担我也从担负较多的责任中获益匪浅走向成功其责当然责任大了必然需要更多的支持不言而喻当今成功的群体全都是由各种职业的人才组成的简单地说责任加支持就是我想要的 P 毫无疑问你在鲁毕康组建了这样一个成功的团队 J 确实如此他们无疑是与我共过事的同事中最有才华的无论是工作上还是其它方面我们观点一致相互配合达成默契 M 詹姆斯我看你在鲁毕康达到了成功的顶峰 J 我同意这点事实上在鲁毕康的最后期间我已经实现了自己大部分的目标我需要更多的时间来发展业余爱好顺便提一下我的妻子一直忠实地支持我是我坚强的后盾她一些我认为我应该在工作会议之外多花些时间于是我开始培养一系列的业余爱好以前总是浅尝辄止但从未真正精通的事情比如打高尔夫球或看优秀小说 P 退出权力核心对你来说困难吗 J 一点儿也不更多的时间用于业余爱好这正是我所想要的我还希望假期更长些一般说来别人认为你应抽出两周来恢复精力我想我的精力一直在很好地恢复不过需求总是在变化的我需要休息时间和假若来好好考虑下一步 P 那么我们要看到詹姆斯里布鲁德卡潇洒退出公众生活了 J 不是这样正如我刚才说的需求总是在变化的我的巾是总要把握住平衡我现在所处的位置使有足够的空间去做自己想做的事情总的来说我到目前为止对自己的生活十分满意 M 剩下还有什么 J 找到更多自己想做的事这是个挑战是寻求生活中更丰富内容的挑战 Unit 7 Actions speak 更多请进大家学习网

But Hedda's pictures--a wonderful account of Chinese daily life--also reflect the diversity of occupations and skills to be found in the capital, ranging from bakery to fruit selling or street-cleaning. Seven decades later, Christina's pictures of Beijing show how some of these occupations have survived through the decades or evolved to meet the needs and tastes of the modern capital.

她拍摄的镜头——从面点师傅、街头卖水果的生意人到街道保洁人——也是那个时代形形***的职业的写照。70年后的今天,Christina Lionnet的一组照片让我们看到,其中的一些职业在如今的北京城依旧存在,不过,为了适应这个现代化都市的需求,这些职业都或多或少地发生了变化。

Briarwood's Occupational Therapy Assistant program prepares students for entry level practice that reflects the values and attitudes of the occupational therapy p...


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I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday.


We don t expect students to be sponges. You can t expect to absorb everything and not have any questions to ask.


He built the "airport for no one"—a boondoggle that made his commute to Washington, DC, a lot easier but was otherwise a huge waste of money.
