英语人>网络例句>老化 相关的搜索结果


与 老化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As the Anu arri ved upon Earth, they soon began to age, and they di scovered that the geometry that they spun woul d i nvert i n the magneti c bi osphere of Terra.

当 Anu 人来到地球后,他们就很快老化,并且发现自己所运转的神圣几何形会逆转Terra 的磁性生物圈。

As the name suggests, it is a condition that tends to become more common as people get older.


Product characteristics : 1, excellent heat resistance : can adapt to the use of power lines due process overload and short circuit of the high temperature; 2, excellent electrical properties : material for the performance of their higher intensity and volume resistivity of insulation, security is good; 3. excellent corrosion resistance and anti-aging properties : apply to the soil and working environment, long life; 4. excellent flame retardance : difficult combustion; 5, smooth wall formation, the friction coefficient, good wear resistance : in the installation process can greatly reduce the damage to power lines, improve work efficiency; with the traditional asbestos cement pipes, the The product is light weight, good flexibility, earthquake-resistant and differential settlement, and not at the construction site encapsulation pouring concrete; Transport construction is simple, low cost, can greatly shorten the construction period.

产品特点: 1、优良的耐热性能:能适应电力电缆使用过程因过载短路而产生的高温; 2、优良的电气性能:材料自身表现为较高绝缘强度和体积电阻率,安全性好; 3、优异的耐腐蚀性能和抗老化性能:适用于各种土壤和工作环境,使用寿命长; 4、优良的阻燃性能:不易燃烧; 5、内壁光滑平整、摩擦系数小,耐磨性能好:在敷设过程中可大大降低对电缆的损害,提高工作效率;与传统的石棉水泥管相比,产品的重量轻、柔性好、抗震性及抗不均匀沉降好,无须在施工现场包封浇混凝土;运输施工简便,费用低,可大大缩短工期。

Excellent flame retardance : difficult combustion; 5, smooth wall formation, the friction coefficient, good wear resistance : in the installation process can greatly reduce the damage to power lines, improve work efficiency; with the traditional asbestos cement pipes, the The product is light weight, good flexibility, earthquake-resistant and differential settlement, and not at the construction site encapsulation pouring concrete; Transport construction is simple, low cost, can greatly shorten the construction period.


The internal cause includes polarity variation , inbred variation , instability of hybridization and gene mutation . The external cause includes unfitting culture conditions , strain ag ing , unsuitable preservation and infection virus of asexuality propagation .


Test results show that the aging of asphalt becomes faster with the increase of temperature.


It is found that the aggregation properties of asphaltene were depended on its bulk concentration and the aromaticity of oil phase.


Improves the skin gloomily, rough, to do and so on questions astringently rapidly only, including the high-purity laevo - rotatory vitamin C ingredient, may resist the melanin to precipitate, the promotion blood circulation reduction wrinkle, causes the flesh to unfold the youth the gloss, prevents the skin cell to suffer injury the aging, has function which the tight skin eliminates wrinkles by way of biochemistry whitening reduction.


The ATF was held in order for the United States Air Force to receive new aircraft to replace their aging F-15 fleet.

该管理局举行,以便使美国空军接收新飞机,以取代其老化的F - 15机队。

Pure natural attar can promote cell's regeneration, resistant to skin's aging, purify skin, keep moisture, eliminate eyes' shadow, eliminate striae gravidarum, etc.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
