英语人>网络例句>老兵的 相关的搜索结果


与 老兵的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Complete 'Blood and Iron' on Veteran difficulty.


I just want to tell you, our war history is super duper glorious. Hand-to-hand battles where your bayonet is blood red, we've fought big and small some thousand times. And now, now we are the crack troop of the full mechanized and armoured forces in China. So nobody cries anymore. Don't let the vetarans laugh at you. Vets love to see the roodies cry actually. I remember I used to cry myself apiece when I joined, and my old company commander laughs at me till now…Oh no, my old commpany commander has left already. When he left I cried again…


At the end of the month, I announced that the Veterans Administration would provide compensation to Vietnam veterans for a series of severe illnesses, including cancers, liver disorders, and Hodgkins disease, that were associated with exposure to Agent Orange, a cause long championed by Vietnam veterans, Senators John Kerry and John McCain, and by the late Admiral Bud Zumwalt.


Laodu teachs me to entertain guests not only have a meal these industry established practice, he still told story of a lot of industry to me, he is an oral expression the person that than him literal expression still is close friends, he also is clever and zenithal and tell the person that show extremely, he is very very much to my help, big, he also is us veteran group one of initiator, he or we are veteran the honorary edition of group of forum hunt heads and recruit edition advocate, he is worn with drive of his words and deeds all the time the travel before I am ceaseless.


In an era of indiscriminate logrolling and massive omnibus spending bills, you can also rest assured that no matter how many bad provisions there are in the bill, there will be something—funding for body armor for our troops, say, or some modest increase in veterans' benefits—that makes the bill painful to oppose.


The blood IgG and IgA level of new soldiers is significantly lower than that of control,But the IgM level is higher than that of control.Conclusion It suggest that old soldiers' paratroop stress is normal,the high stress can be lessen by training.


Williams, a veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, is using some of his experiences as an Army soldier to help fellow veterans.


Having 2 veteran pitbuls and 2 veteran APCs/Wolverines at the right time at the right place can turn the tide of battle in your favor in an early game situation.


Based on detailed interviews with Swift Boat veterans who served in Vietnam with John Kerry and on recently released FBI surveillance reports of John Kerry's anti-war activities, Unfit for Command is a shocking indictment of a politician who slandered his fellow veterans, danced on the edge of treason, and has shamelessly exaggerated his own war service for political ends.

评价○ 《不配指挥》是根据对在越南服役的快艇老兵的详细采访和美国联邦调查局最近刚刚公布的关于约翰·克里反战行为的报告而写成的,是对一个政治家的令人震惊地控诉:他诽谤并肩作战的战友;他周旋在叛国的边缘;他为了达到政治目的毫不羞耻的夸大自己的战功。

More than 73,000 Iraq and Afghanistan vets who have sought help from the Veterans Administration had been diagnosed with possible mental problems


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
