英语人>网络例句>老兵的 相关的搜索结果


与 老兵的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Almost in the corner there was, sitting on a military overcoat, an old soldier with a stern yellow face, thin as a skeleton's, and an unshaved grey beard. He was looking persistently at Rostov.


And many of these patients, who wouldn't normally get better, showed significant improvement, said Dr Christopher Bever, chief of neurology at the Veterans Administration Medical Centre in Baltimore, where one of the studies was conducted.


And many of these patients, who wouldn't normally get better, showed significant improvement, said Dr Christopher Bever, chief of neurology at the Veterans Administration Medical Centre in Baltimore, where one of the studies was conducted.

Baltimore老兵医护中心正在进行其中的一项研究,中心的神经科主任,Dr Christopher Bever说许多通过正常疗法不见好转的患者用这种机器人疗法后病情都有了很大的改善

As such , Clan Eshin provides Assassins as well as light skirmishing troops and infiltrators called Night Runners and Gutter Runners to the Skaven horde .


Rosier told me that what he and the veterans discuss among themselves is very different to what is said in television interviews; but when pushed, he describes what it's like to kill another man.

Rosier 告诉我,他和那些老兵们之间的争论与电视上的画面是非常不同的,但是当话题被推及远处,他描述了什么是杀人的感受

And I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you, to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign, who drove for miles and lined the streets waving homemade signs, who scrimped and saved to raise money, who knocked on doors and made calls, who talked, sometimes argued with your friends and neighbors, who e-mailed and contributed online, who invested so much in our common enterprise, to the moms and dads who came to our events, who lifted their little girls and little boys on their shoulders and whispered in their ears,"See, you can be anything you want to be."


Introduction: The United States " Forbes " magazine network edition publishs analytic article to say today, as the cox that tears apart AOL, veteran, AOL holds the post of Gu Ge newly Si Telang of Mu of A of · of Mu of CEO the base of a fruit (the opportunity that Tim Armstrong) will gain him proof, prove to be in ante detain this namely already " atrophic " the practice on body of tycoon of net couplet net is correct and well-advised.


For example, in 1996 in Canada, there were 945,000 female-headed single-parent families, representing 18 percent of all families, almost double the figure of 1971, when ten percent of families with children were headed by a single, female parent.


John Lowe, a 90-year-old veteran, became Britain's oldest ballet dancer when he pirouetted on stage, the Metro reported.


When the telecommunications industry was deregulated and challenged by new entrants, for instance, few former Bell System managers were able to successfully transition to the fast-moving, entrepreneurial, growth-oriented environment, despite being seasoned veterans of what was considered one of America's best-managed companies.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
