英语人>网络例句>老兵 相关的搜索结果


与 老兵 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Part of Mr. Kerry's outrage may arise from memories of 2004, when a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth raised allegations, never substantiated, that he had exaggerated his wartime exploits.


If the birthers are more evidently kooky than the global-warming "skeptics" or the death-panellers or the supply-siders or the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, they are, in their fundamental disregard for the facts, actually mainstream.


Based on detailed interviews with Swift Boat veterans who served in Vietnam with John Kerry and on recently released FBI surveillance reports of John Kerry's anti-war activities, Unfit for Command is a shocking indictment of a politician who slandered his fellow veterans, danced on the edge of treason, and has shamelessly exaggerated his own war service for political ends.

评价○ 《不配指挥》是根据对在越南服役的快艇老兵的详细采访和美国联邦调查局最近刚刚公布的关于约翰·克里反战行为的报告而写成的,是对一个政治家的令人震惊地控诉:他诽谤并肩作战的战友;他周旋在叛国的边缘;他为了达到政治目的毫不羞耻的夸大自己的战功。

Bush said the national turkey election had several parallels with the 2004 presidential race, which featured attacks on Kerry by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and the anti-Bush movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" by filmmaker Michael Moore.


Famously Lyndon Johnson ran one in 1964 to suggest that Barry Goldwater would be too quick with the nuclear trigger. In 2004 a devastating ad was taken out by "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth", an outside group that disputed John Kerry's heroism in Vietnam.


And Karen could not help dancing a step or two, and when she began her feetcontinued to dance; it was just as though the shoes had power over them.


Two new initiatives — Nursing Home Diversion and Money Follows the Person — expand subsidies for home elder care, and the Veterans Health Administration has just put in effect its own similar initiative.


The old soldier values his glory won on the field of battle much.


The old soldier had won glory on the battle field.


Experiments conducted in both mental hospitals and the Veterans Administration hospitals.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
