英语人>网络例句>翻译的 相关的搜索结果


与 翻译的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Always"之类的强调词,如: e.g.4 The Covenantor hereby undertakes to procure that the Customer will comply with all the Customer's obligations to you, the beneficiaries of this deed,but should the Customer default in the payment when due of any payment or default in complying with any other obligation, the Covenantor will, without the need for any demand, make immediate payment or performance thereof as the case may be, at the place, in the funds and currency and/or in the manner required of the Customer and without any withholding or deduction whatsoever PROVIDED ALWAYS HOWEVER that no time for limitation of liability in respect of this Deed shall begin to run in favor of the Covenantor unless and until one or both of you shall have made demand on the Covenantor, and if more than one demand is made, then only from the date and to the extent of each demand respectively.

订约人兹承诺:保证客户将履行其对贵方—即本契约之共同或单独受益人—应尽之所有义务,但是假如客户未支付任何到期的款项或未能履行任何其他义务,订约人将在无需要求的 13 情况下,在客户指定的地点,以所要求的款项及货币形式及/或付款方式,立即做出支付或履行本契约的义务,所付款项不得有任何扣留和减少。但是,除非组成贵方之一公司或两公司已经向订约人提出要求,否则有关本契约之债务时效任何时候都不得按有利于订约人一方的方式开始计算;如果贵方向订约人提出一项以上的要求,则分别按每项要求提出的日期及具体状况开始计算债务时效。 7, any person who"的引导和翻译:,""的引导和翻译:在法律条例中,尤其在各地的刑法典及条例中,"any person who does…shall be guilty of an offence 类句型重复率相当高, person who 用来指称具备一定条件之人, any 并不似 whoever 那样可泛指所有的人,此外,any person who 是个定语从句,后边可以带好几个并行成份的句子而读者读起来不感到吃力,这点也非 whoever 能比,在句法上,该句型有时会把主语和谓语用逗号分开,中间加插一个定语修饰词。

In the New Testament when referring to this incidence in the book of Prophet Isaiah, the Author did not quote the exact number of the Assyrain soldiers as those he mentioned was less than the ones mentioned in the book of Prophet Isaiah and other erros like that including the translator of the various versions of the bible in order to suit their own or dogma even deliberately add or subtract but such addition or subtraction could easily be detected out when compire to the original Greek text from which the bible was originally translated into English and more impotently when compare from the original Hebrew or Aramaic text of the scriptures.


System is used VB6.0, MATLAB6.5 and MATLAB and Visual Basic OLE interface methods of production, use VB Visual Interface, the real object-oriented, event-driven approach using the structure of high-level programming language, the perfect tool Integrated production and friendly interface and features of MATLAB numerical terms, such as a strong graphic image processing function for the core to achieve the limit, derivative, differential, integral and indefinite integral, vector algebra and analytic geometry of space for the function will be Two aspects of the unique advantages of combining the strong points, to shorten the development cycle and reduce programming difficulty, the current rapidly changing information age is of high practical value.

在线等汉-英翻译,网上在线翻译的别回!!!!!系统是采用VB6.0、MATLAB6.5 和MATLAB与Visual Basic接口OLE方法制作的,利用VB界面的可视化、真正面向对象、采用事件驱动方式的结构化高级程序设计语言、工具的完美集成和友好性特点制作界面和MATLAB的数值计算、图形图像等强大的处理功能为内核来实现函数极限、导数、微分、定积分和不定积分、空间解析几何和向量代数的求解功能;将两方面具有的独特优势结合起来,取长补短,以缩短开发周期,降低编程难度,这对当前日新月异的信息时代是具有很高的实用价值。

Cultural factors are unavoidable. Cultural universals aredominant, and cultural differences can be bridged in translation. Moreover, with the development of cultural interpenetration, the influence of cultural differences will become smaller. The translating activity will become easier than before.


The task of translation is as follows: First, an understanding of the cultural and experimental worlds that lie behind the original act of speaking or of writing, ways into their schemata. Second, an understanding of the potential of the two semiotic systems in terms of their image-making. Third, a making intelligible of the linguistic choices expressed in the message. Fourthly, an opportunity to explore the social psychological intentions of the originator of the message matched against one's own. Lastly, a challenge to match all of these with our appropriate response in our semiotic and linguistic system, and our culture. Traditional translation theory also presented means of differentiating and categorizing translation types, including metaphrase, imitation and paraphrase.


The task of translation is as follows: First, an understanding of the cultural and experimental worlds that lie behind the original act of speaking or of writing, ways into their schemata. Second, an understanding of the potential of the two semiotic systems in terms of their image-making. Third, a making intelligible of the linguistic choices expressed in the message. Fourthly, an opportunity to explore the social psychological intentions of the originator of the message matched against ones own. Lastly, a challenge to match all of these with our appropriate response in our semiotic and linguistic system, and our culture. Traditional translation theory also presented means of differentiating and categorizing translation types, including metaphrase, imitation and paraphrase.


The single wheat school and Taiwan school are the largest with lie in that Denmark pays attention to groups discussing very much, it is possible in 40% of the time of school Make groups report of panel discussion, remaining time was not used for having a class , but the school of Denmark quite paid attention to students view on anything In not giving a lesson, teacher will ask student issue constantly, even very much enthusiastical to is it is it say out their idea to make a speech to raise the hand student have, and just opposite in Taiwan We have few panel discussions, have an examination outside having a class, idea say come out us seldom too, compare as if passive study, the school of Denmark has not had uniforms like school of Taiwan either in addition, the reason with the uniform of school of Taiwan is , do not hope that students spend too much time in disguising oneself , they hope that students spend more time on the lessons , I think this is Taiwan with the biggest difference of Danish school.


His better independence and fullness which have kept personality, restrain the deeply worried state of the contradiction He is free with detached spirit, the flexible one ponders life, the calm one roams leisurely expecting and detesting " dog's horse " Between the identity, are cherishing the mind of generous universal fraternity, put an own joys and sorrows on the vast universe and carry on life consciousness to take care of in everything, it sigh by life not individual being the transient and can't holding


Based on the knowledge of the stock ownership incentive review, expounds the stock ownership incentive executives layer (also called the "golden handcuffs") under the influence factors, the efficiency of game and the game analysis are discussed on the basis of the stock ownership incentive effect.


In the course of translating English advertisements, in order to ensure the reproduction of its language and style, translators must acquaint themselves with the product and the content and artistic form of the advertisement and observe the different characteristics and the grammatical norms of English and Chinese, reproducing the beauty of the rhyme scheme, the image and the brevity, etc.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
