英语人>网络例句>群众 相关的搜索结果


与 群众 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As for how our work should be arranged under these circumstances, we feel that, so far as the southern provinces are concerned, the armed forces of the compradors and landlords in Kwangtung and Hunan Provinces are too strong, and that in Hunan, more over, we have lost almost all our mass following, inside as well as outside the Party, because of the Party's putschist mistakes.


Please do not deride local people; or do not seek quaintness that maybe is outlandish in your cultural.

尊重 -在驴行中尊重队友,更要尊重驴行地区群众的风俗、习惯、不嘲笑、不猎奇。

Tool of law law plan, local government, public opinion and people " quaternity " the building that assures supervisory mechanism and perfect, also be construction managing model essential condition of the society.


Started as a counterpoise to rabbinical and ritual formalism, it still satisfies the religious requirements of the uneducated masses.


But while the latter, as appealing to the masses, was energetically and even bitterly attacked by the representatives of Rabbinism, they made allowance for a revival of Gnosticism.

但是,尽管后者,因为呼吁群众,是积极,甚至强烈攻击的代表Rabbinism ,他们津贴恢复诺斯替主义。

Candanga" roughly translates to "devil" in some Latin American countries, though in Venezuela it can mean "rabble-rouser.


Every time an English runner won a race, the crowd cheered.


It's pool for the masses and masters alike in Rack 'Em Up Roadtrip!

它的游泳池,为群众和船长都在安装在机架的射击roadtrip !

3Rd, strengthens the riff raff populace's words power and the supervisory authority.


And formulates the safeguard measure which concrete may operate, the alleviation and the elimination current riff raff populace and in the person in power each authority side dissymmetry!


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
