英语人>网络例句>群众 相关的搜索结果


与 群众 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We will resolutely curb the precipitous rise of housing prices in some cities and satisfy people's basic need for housing.


Chinese government drew the projects and plans on popular increase from the Chinese situations and ruled the police of family planning:advocating to marry and bear at a mature age,bearing fewly and prepotency;advoacating only a children a pair of couple,considering the actual difficulties in village,permitting the secong child after several years.


The said electors, both cardinals and others, are also bound to swear, before they proceed to the election, that in attending to the business of the election, they will proceed with pure and sincere minds--since it is a question of creating the vicar Jesus Christ, the successor of the blessed Peter, the governor of the universal church and the leader of the Lord's flock--and that they firmly believe it will benefit the public good of the universal church if they entirely prescind from all affection for persons of any particular nation, or other inordinate affections, as well as from hatred and graces or favours bestowed, in order that by their ministry a beneficial and suitable pastor may be provided for the universal church.

该说的选民,无论是红衣主教等,也必将有宣誓,然后进行选举,即在抓业务的选举,他们将着手纯洁和真诚的心-因为这是一个问题的创造副主教耶稣基督,继任人的祝福,彼得总督的普世教会和领导上帝的羊群-而且他们坚信,这将有利于公益事业的普世教会,如果他们完全p rescind从所有感情的人任何特定的国家,或其他念情,以及从仇恨和青睐恩惠赐予,为了使他们的财政部是一次有益的和合适的牧师可以为人民群众提供了普世教会。

In the difficult circumstances of responding to the global financial crisis, we gave greater pri


A price freeze would be welcomed by ordinary working people – but will it work?


It is impossible to carry out a price reform without popular support.


Netizens said that reform should be based on the idea of serving the people, we should improve the people's medical and health conditions, not pro forma.


The man of probity sacrifices himself, and out of his very love for this crowd, he combats it.


Ask: On April 9, this city produced partial masses and student initiative held experience day is processional demonstrate activity.


Of chief procurator mailbox establish, went to the lavatory policemen and masses offer opinion, proposal.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
