英语人>网络例句>群众 相关的搜索结果


与 群众 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jumping forward in time, we have to note that for every succeeding pogrom there was either a verbal or written slander campaign to incite the masses to attack Jews.


It proposed to establish perfect ecosystem function conservation monitoring system, to conduct some ecosystem rehabilitant and build up engineering project, and achievement; to solidify the results of return polder back to lake, and setup immigration residents. And to improve the flood regulation function capacity; Wetland and the biodiversity can be protected effectively; Basically to curtail degradation of ecosystem function, and ecological environment, people's living condition and quality will be improved greatly.

Long—term objective :建立完善的生态功能保护区监管体系;实施一批生态恢复和环境治理工程,并取得一定效果;退田还湖、平垸行洪和移民建镇的洪水治理成果得到切实巩固,调蓄洪水的生态服务功能得到加强;湿地及其生物多样性得到有效保护;基本扭转洞庭湖区生态环境退化的趋势,湖区生态环境得到明显地改善,人民群众的生活水平和生活质量有所提高。

For seasonable discovery, check, investigate a net to go up illegal criminality, on open caution net slight break the law and bad behavior, chongqing police will expand on Chongqing key website, forum to establish the range that police box and fictitious police call the police on the net further, accept masses to inform against, appeal.


Some 62% of Germans want to pull out, the highest level recorded by Forsa, a pollster.


He will go to Stralsund, a medieval town on Mecklenburg-West Pomerania's Baltic coast.

他将前往Stralsund,一个座落于德国东北部梅克伦堡-西波美拉尼亚州(Mecklenburg-West Pomerania)州的中世纪风格的古城,北临波罗的海。7月13日,在拜谒该市市长、拜访教堂后,他将在市场上面见一群经过精挑细选的群众

He will go toStralsund, a medieval town on Mecklenburg-West Pomerania's Baltic coast. On July 13th, after greetingthe mayor and visiting a church, he will meet a hand-picked crowd in the marketplace anti-Bush rallies

他将前往Stralsund,一个座落于德国东北部梅克伦堡-西波美拉尼亚州(Mecklenburg-West Pomerania)州的中世纪风格的古城,北临波罗的海。7月13日,在拜谒该市市长、拜访教堂后,他将在市场上面见一群经过精挑细选的群众

The main and immediate task of the land reform is to satisfy the demands of the masses of poor peasants and farm labourers.


There is nothing like the hand of the populace for building everything that is built by demolishing.


You must seek out the advanced experience of the masses, sum it up and popularize it.


They also believe in the power of his populist agenda , the key to his party s mass following .


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
