英语人>网络例句>群众 相关的搜索结果


与 群众 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But it is observed from their artistic practice and some words that they all agree that the realistic art in the world will not and cannot come to a dead end, which have the mass audience of realistic art in China.


This in such matters as these: the visitation of all chapters within his diocese, of all monasteries which are held "in commendam,"[12] and of all "pious places," ie, places of pilgrimage, shrines, and so forth; for the examination of all dispensations sent through him, from Rome, to his subjects (and henceforth it is always to the petitioner's bishop that dispensations will be sent), of all Roman permissions to change the terms of wills; the examination and correction of all notaries, a race whose costly incompetence is frequently complained of; the correction of all secular clerics who live in his diocese, and of all regulars there who are not living within a monastery; for the summary, out- of-hand correction of notorious and defiant concubinary clerics, and for the suppression of all abuses and superstitions centering round the mass.

这个在这类问题上,因为这些:探视的所有章节,在他的教区,所有的寺庙,这是举行"在commendam ," [ 12 ] ,以及所有"虔诚地,"也就是说,地方的如火如荼之际,神殿,等等;为检查所有dispensations送往通过他,从罗马,他的科目(从此以后,它总是给信访人的主教说, dispensations将被送交),在所有的罗马权限,以改变条款遗嘱;审查和纠正一切公证员,一个种族,其昂贵的无能是频频抱怨;改正所有世俗教士住在他的教区,所有的常客,有那些不居住在一座修道院;关于总结出的第一手资料更正及恶名昭彰违抗concubinary神职人员,为制止一切滥用权力和迷信围绕群众

For instance,pooling people's ideas together are restricted by common divisor of people's opinions, that is, they are easy to reach low level but hard to be reach the high level.


The Liberal Democrats want to make the masses of the common people the deciding factor in public affairs.


It has, however, been argued thatthe ritual of the mass or communion service is derived from that of the Passover eve service (see Bickell,"Messe und Pascha").

有,不过,有人辩称thatthe祭祀的群众或共融服务是源自即逾越节前夕的服务(见bickell ,"展览und逾越节")。

Indonesian men struggle to board a packed commuter train at a station in Jakarta, Indonesia.


The movement to suppress counter-revolutionaries now going on throughout the country is a great, intense and complex struggle The line for this work that has proved effective everywhere is the Party's mass line.

一 目前在全国进行的镇压反革命的运动,是一场伟大的激烈的和复杂的斗争。全国各地已经实行的有效的工作路线,是党的群众路线。

In recent years'injured the accident formation rate along with the student to rise year by year,the student injured the accident dispute to present the more and more complex tendency,the accident quantity more and more many,sued for damages the amount to be more and more big,and more and more received the social populace's widespread attention.


Rural credit cooperatives in China's financial system is an important component of the is the main force in rural finance and with the peasants financial ties in the promotion of agricultural and rural economic development, help farmers develop production and increase income, plays an important role.


Rural credit cooperatives in China's financial system is an important component of the is the main force in rural finance and the broad masses of peasants linked to the financial link the rural financial system and the reform of rural credit cooperatives concerning farmers, agriculture and rural economic development situation.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
