英语人>网络例句>美容 相关的搜索结果


与 美容 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vegetable Oils are used in perfumes, soaps, and other beauty products as well.


Whenever the Italian city-states were at war with each other, Hawkwood used to hire his soldi教学,范文,教案,论文,课件,试题,评课,说课,板书,教学反思,课程改革,计划总结,公文,美容,瑜伽,笑话,减肥ers to princes who were willing to pay the high price he demanded.


The origin of SPA is from Latin, solus par Aqua, and solus means health, par penetrating and Aqua water. That is, bringing vigor and health by the water.

SPA一字源于拉丁文solus par Aqua,solus=健康,par=透过。。。,Aqua=水,意思是透露过水给人们带来健康和活力,wallon是比利时的温泉小镇,古罗马人发现浸泡各种矿泉浴和被山泉瀑布的自然冲击可以治疗程各种疾病和疼痛,同时具有养生美容的功效,这些疗效由此传播到各处,因而水疗一时名声大振奋,迅速风靡整个欧洲。

These are: sanctity, beauty, friendship, and sonship of God.


You have to know the beauty habits, current special delivery!


Loofah: Loofah is a whitening, wrinkle natural beauty products, according to medical scientists experiment proved that the long-term consumption of liquid facial loofah or sponge gourd, you can make your skin soft, smooth, and can prevent and eliminate acne and hyperpigmentation.

丝瓜: 丝瓜是增白、去皱的天然美容品,据医学家实验证明,长期食用丝瓜或用丝瓜液擦脸,可以让肌肤柔嫩、光滑,并可预防和消除痤疮和黑色素沉着。

Dr. Spoor is in private practice in aesthetic and restorative dentistry in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

Dr.Spoor 在美国华盛顿州西雅图市开设了一家私人诊所,从事美容修复牙科工作。

So said Beatrice in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and, as a long-term sporter of a full chin's worth of facial fluff (and occasional wearer of a highly dubious "mo" for for charity), I can but agree.


It turned out my step-mother used this particular brand of beauty products, and had for years.


Our magazine-style report is something of a parody of beauty and fashion magazines, with headings on the front like,"Of Course You're Not Hot!" and "The Stick Insect Diet".


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
