英语人>网络例句>美国黑人 相关的搜索结果


与 美国黑人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Americans began returning their completed decennial census forms. With a list of several categories to select for race, including mixed-race, the White House said that Mr Obama had opted to tick "black" on his form.


The discriminatory policies against the black in the America led to the Civil Rights Movement in 1960's.


When you see the amount of power that would be lost by the Democratic Party if it were to lose the Dixiecrat wing, or branch, or element, you can see where it's against the interests of the Democrats to give voting rights to Negroes in states where the Democrats have been in complete power and authority ever since the Civil War.


3Like Douglass, I believe blacks can achieve in every avenue of American life without the meddling of university administrators


Education. You see, DuBois knows all too well the white man's resistance to


Hurston was born in 1903 in Eatonville, Florida, the first incorporated all black town in the United States, and she grew up to write stories, novels, plays, folklore and an autobiography.


Ew York rapper Intelligent Hoodlum served 20 months at Elmira Correctional Facility in Bing Hampton, NY for robbery in 1988, using the experience to immerse himself in works on African-American culture and the theology of the Nation of Islam.

Y的饶舌歌手IH,早在1988年就因为抢劫,在Bing Hampton的ECF鉴于待了20个月。他呢,常常用这一段难忘的经历中的时间来研究非裔美国人的黑人文化以及伊斯兰教的宗教思想。

He's perhaps the most eminent Negro scholar in America.


This want of politeness I was not, however, surprised at, for it is notorious, as has been before observed by an able writer, that, excepting the Church of Rome, the members of the unestablished Church of England–the Protestant Episcopalian, are the most bigotted, sectarian, and illiberal, in the United States of America.


When she got to America, however, people looked at her and saw a black woman, not an Eritrean woman.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
