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与 美国黑人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

America's first black president spoke with a bluntness that perhaps could only come from a member of Africa's extended family.


Research by Wendy Manning of Bowling Green State University and others shows that unmarried Mexican-American couples who have children while living together are slightly more likely to break up than are blacks or whites in similar circumstances.

鲍灵格林大学的Wendy Manning和其他人研究表明同居并未婚生育的墨西哥裔美国情侣相比同等情况下的黑人或者白人来,分手的几率更大一些。

Approximately 83% of children with rickets were described as African American or black, and 96% were breast-fed.


In the Southern States of the United States, Negro suffrage produced incredible mischief during the few years of carpetbag government which followed the Civil War.


The white feminists enlist the support of a 84-year-old black feminist guru who wears a cowgirl hat, smokes a cheroot and is said to have had affairs with Fidel Castro, Emma Goldman, Dinah Washington and Tupac Shakur.


Ghana the first independent black-African nation was host and in some cases a second home in the 1950s and 60s to a celebrated list of American civil rights activists.


Coleman returned to Chicago. She was the only black female pilot in the United States.


To personage of chief foreign nationality of Aobama selected, the reason that Baidu gives out is: This African descendants black of 47 years old, with the one's previous experience of complex, careless root, 2008 in American general election, with the attitude of an a dark horse, have his moment quickly, obtain include Chinese netizen inside the eager attention of whole world netizen.


Now, we Democrats believe that America is still the county of fair play; that we can come out of a small town or a poor neighborhood and have the same chance as anyone else, and it doesn't matter whether we are black or Hispanic or disabled or a women .


Later that year the police sent to Hitler a file on the Jewish assassin Herschel Grynszpan,confirming that his parents had been dumped back over the Polish border at Neu Bentschen on October 29-a few days before he gunned down a German diplomat in Paris-pursuant to the Reich's drive against Polish Jews who had settled in Germany.In February 1939 Hitler endorsed the refusal of his embassy in Washington to pay Danegeld to Kurt Ludecke,a former Nazi who had invited the Party publishing house or some other Reich agency to buy up all rights in his scurrilous memoirs to prevent their publication.The same file shows Hitler acting to stop the Nazi heavyweight Max Schmeling staging a return fight against the Negro Joe Louis.("As you know,"Julius Schaub wrote to the sports minister on March 2,1939,"the Führer was against the fight in the first place."

以及1936年3月30日,他请希特勒接见一个特别的带来罗斯福总统"向元首转达个人问候"的美国丝绸厂商的建议;还有1938年6月20日柏林警察长官黑尔多尔夫伯爵送交希特勒的关于在柏林组织一个反犹突击队(anti-Jewish razzias)的报告;以及当年晚些时候,德国警察送交希特勒的一份文件,确定犹太青年赫尔切尔·格林兹本的父母按照帝国驱赶定居德国的波兰犹太人的政策,已经于10月29日被赶回波兰边界的诺伊本辰,而后数日这名青年就在巴黎枪杀了德国外交官;还有1939年2月希特勒签署的拒绝他的驻华盛顿大使向库尔特·卢戴克支付赎金的文件:卢戴克身为一名前纳粹党员,他写了一系列下流的回忆录并且建议党的出版社以及帝国部门付重金将其买下以免被出版;还是同一份文件显示希特勒停止了纳粹党重量级人物马克斯·史迈林筹备的一场与黑人乔·路易斯进行的回报拳击赛:"正如你所知道的,"尤里乌斯·肖布在1939年3月2日写给体育部长的信中说,"元首首先就反对这场拳击。"

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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
