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与 美国黑人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the uniqueness of Afro-American music and dance is the root of the popularity of Afro-American culture.


And the uniqueness of Afro-American musicand dance is the root of the popularity of Afro-American culture.


Marcus Garvey was the most prominent black leader in the 1920's American, who led the biggest Negro movement in Afro—American history.


Part five analyze the "separatism from America" road and draw the conclusion: on one hand, Marcus Garvey's separatism road was the product of the Afro—American's hard lives; on the other hand, it wouldn't come into reality under the circumstance of his days.


Chapter Ⅵ explores the Black's limited contact with the white and how their mixture language Gullah comes into being with the retrospection of the historical process of the early Black's unwilling settling in the North America and their miserable living conditions in the unequal slavery system. Furthermore, the paper has done some textual research upon the Africanisms of the early Black English with its linguistical characteristics and ingredients of the Black culture tradition in American English.


This thesis takes the strenuous search for cultural identity of the Dead family in Song of Solomon as the main line, embarks on the cultural identity of blacks in different periods, connects the pursuit of identity with their history in American society, outlines a vivid historical picture of blacks from the evolution of their identity (from the enslaved black to the emancipated freedman, to the northern migrator and then the youth born in the north), further explores the efforts made by the blacks on their way to seek their national outlets and build their cultural identity in different periods, points out the advantage and disadvantage of their choice, and finally draws to the conclusion that African American should not abandon their national tradition but at the same time they must stand on American society and find a sound integrity of the two cultures.


1St Week: A general introduction to the nature and contents of the course; an investigation of students' acquired knowledge of literature in general; a brief introduction to African-American literature 2nd and 3rd Weeks: Rediscovering an Invisible Culture (Why Black culture had been unknown and unobserved for several decades; how it came to be rediscovered ) 4th to 6th Weeks: Double Consciousness (the marginal perspective in Language, Oral Culture, Folklore and Religion); Reading representative works by three Black writers of racial consciousness: Douglass, Washington and Bu Bois 7th to 9th Weeks: Minstrelsy (Imitation, Parody and Travesty in Black-White interaction rituals 1830--1920); Reading the novel about the Black life: Uncle Tom's Cabin 10th to 12th Weeks: Social Mobility and Cultural Stigma: The case of Chicago Jazz 1920--1930; Reading poems by Hughes and novels by Wright 13th to 15th Weeks: Oral Tradition and the Quest for Literacy: The crisis of Black writers from Philips Wheatley to Ralph Ellison; Reading the masterpiece of Ellison 16th to 18th Weeks: Contemporary Afro-American Culture: the sixties and seventies (efforts on reconstructing the Black identiy and Black history); Reading novels by Morrison


In this book, Pinn surveyed the history of African-American responses to the problem of evil, or theodicy, from the slavery to the twentieth century. He argues that the theodical approach, developed by spirituals and church leaders and centered on the notion of redemptive or fruitful suffering, cannot solve the pressing issues of black liberation. Therefore, he outlines the Black humanism as a resolution to the problem of evil and especially investigates the strong humanism.


The current study is based on 2843 skeletons (1518 European-American males, 837 African–American males, 216 European-American females, and 272 African American females) from the human portion of the Hamann-Todd Osteologic Collection (curated at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History; Cleveland,OH).


Her works shows the positive aspects of black life and the confirmation to black identity. But because the "protest literature" was popular at that time, her poetic description about the black life was unpopular. Their Eyes Were Watching God is representative of Hurston. Because it was not like the mainstream of black literature in which the strong ethnic conflict and the protest originated from the racial discrimination and oppression appears, then when it was released, it was on the criticism by cold-shouldered, and was buried into the dust years.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
