英语人>网络例句>美国 相关的搜索结果


与 美国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Part five analyze the "separatism from America" road and draw the conclusion: on one hand, Marcus Garvey's separatism road was the product of the Afro—American's hard lives; on the other hand, it wouldn't come into reality under the circumstance of his days.


Living the dream Something in between a trade fair, a funfair and a template for global domination Apr 29th 2010 | SHANGHAI | From The Economist print edition WHEN it comes to making theme parks work, Chinas record is rather a poor one.

教父》 是1969年美国出版的长篇小说,是美国出版史上的头号畅销书,早在七十年代初就已经拍成电影,发行世界各国,受到普遍的欢迎。美国纽约五大黑势力集团之一的维托考利昂一家采用多种极端手段,实现了在整个美国黑势力团体中的独尊地位。

As a philosopher and an educator born in right times, Dewey's idea on aesthetic education is both marked by American civilization and pregnant with revolt. His grand thought system shows the dominate features of American philosophy affected by American native culture and also exhibits the marks of heritance of European traditional ideas.


This idea was successfully embodied in James's artistic world-his novels is a perfect combination of the European aesthetic form and the American morality. But, so far as the social practice is concerned, his very idea of combining the American and the European culture to make up for the deficiency of American culture, his attempt to fill up the wide gap between the socalled"high-brow"and"low-brow"in American culture, as Van Wyck Brooks put in his book America's Coming of Age, is only another beautiful dream. This is so cruel a fact that James could only realize in his writing. This may also explains why his works lack in popularity. James's style is so elaborate and graceful.

本文认为詹姆斯重构美国文化的思想是一种继爱默生之后的又一种理想型文化模式的构思,这种理想与追求虽然在詹姆斯本人的小说艺术中得到了成功的实践——他的小说就是一种审美与道德的有机融合,内容与形式的完美统一——但是,我们也可以看到,詹姆斯关于融合欧美文化以弥补美国思想不足的设想,他那实际上试图弥合范·威克·布鲁克斯(Van wyck Brooks,1886-1963)所谓的美国文化中"阳春白雪"与"下里巴人"之间鸿沟的努力,到头来仍然只是一个美丽的幻想而已,这一点可以从詹姆斯的作品在美国一直缺少大众性得到证明。

Richard Hofstadter was one of the most famous historians in American of 20th century.


The numerical control part uses Hypertherm Automation EDGE or CMC BURNY. The cutting system is Hypertherm HD3070、HD4070 and HPR130 Hydefinetion plasma machine, the Torch Height Control System is HYPERTHERM COMMAND THC.

数控系统采用美国海宝自动化公司EDGE数控系统或美国CMC公司BURNY数控系统;等离子切割系统采用美国海宝HPR260及HPR130高精细等离子电源;调高装置采用美国海宝COMMAND THC自动弧压高系统。

These are the U.S. liquid gallon (≈ 3.8 litres) and the U.S. dry gallon (≈ 4.4 L) which are in use in the United States, and the Imperial gallon (≈ 4.5 L) which is in unofficial use within the United Kingdom.

这些都是美国液体加仑(≈ 3.8升)和美国干加仑(≈ 4.4长)这是在使用美国,与帝国每加仑(≈ 4.5长)这是非官方的使用在美国英国。

Much of the world already resents the United States because of its size and wealth. Even our allies hate being made to feel as if they live on a planet in which only one country's opinion matters.


Because such, between country and country, the commerce besides mutually beneficial mutual benefit double outside winning, more it is the trade that commutative makes Heng Heli profit, and the mankind's common ideal or the concept with free democracy are deck only, the closest example is the United States the aggression to Iraq, real purpose is to subdue indocile Sa to amount to Mu, the pattern that makes middle east condition hopes according to the United States realizes stability, in order to facilitate the United States obtains oil natural resources, was publicized to become Iraqi by propagandist machine of the United States however civilian free democracy and control are massive kill and wound sexual weapon, really desire why does together with blame suffer from without demit, tellurian old says what you are what are you.


The underlying reason in that respect lies in some cultural, political and social forces deep-rooted in the American culture, which make the campus violence disease determinedly intractable, or even ineradicable.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
