英语人>网络例句>美国 相关的搜索结果


与 美国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If she wins, Mrs Clinton will be the first female president of the United States—a banner headline in itself— and Mr Clinton will be the first male first spouse. She will be the first president married to a former president. She will also be the first president who is married to a former president who was impeached for having oral sex with an intern in the Oval Office.


The American dream, like the word "American", comes with a variety of facets. Turned one way to the light it is about callowness and over-optimism; about a puppy-dog innocence verging on vacuity, prey to vulgarity and vacuum-packed with egotism.


In new network on September 16 electric Hong Kong " big bulletin " say in article of front page print now, american wall street is experienced yesterday hundred years come one day the darkest, the United States the 4th with the 3rd large investment bank in pairs topples, lei Man of hundred years old store announces to go bankrupt cloudily, and painful sell one's own things of beautiful Lin Ren accuses equity to grant American bank, real time sparks global money market another round of usu.


Therefore, we should carry out some effective punishment. However, as the U.S. is our largest import partner and the biggest creditor nation of China, we can hardly punish them in trading or finance. It is difficult to punish the United States culturally, as Chinese students account for a major percentage of overseas students in the U.S. Besides, we need to learn their advanced sciences and technologies


Approximately 47 million Americans, or about one in six people in the U.S., were sickened with swine flu from April to mid-November and 9,820 of them died, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday, indicating the new virus spread widely before cresting last month.

美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)周四表示,今年4月至11月中旬,美国约有4700万人患甲型H1N1流感,相当于每六个美国人中就一人得病,有9,820人死亡。该机构指出,这一病毒在美国广泛传播,在上个月达到了顶峰。

American literature includes the Early American Literature - Puritanism and Didacticism, the 19 - century American Literature - Romanticism, Realism and Naturalism, and the 20 - century American Literature - Medernism and Post - Modernism.


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Chapter 5 will start with Americas case Feist v. Jane Doe to understand the case s influence to American legal protection of databases and introduce the Parliament s proposal after the EU Directive.


Chapter 1 is a preface to introduce the motives of this paper research methods scope restriction and frame Chapter 2 will fist introduce the concept of database and then discuss the necessity of database protection in the creating methods and with or without originality This chapter will put emphasis on the importance of originality to database Chapter 3 will observe the British America and Germany's viewpoint of originality to discuss their legislative mode of database legal protection Chapter will introduce EU Directive/96/9/EC of database protection and four judges of EU Court after the Directive takes effect in 2004 to find how the ECJ use the Directive Then according to the DG Internal Market and Service Working Pater and BEUC's evaluation of the Directive this paper will find whether there is positive reaction and influence in database market after EU member countries take the same legislations with the Directive Section 5 will introduce the legislation of British and Germany following the Directive and analyze the development and questions of the two countries' current legislation Chapter 5 will start with Americas case Feist v Jane Doe to understand the case's influence to American legal protection of databases and introduce the Parliament's proposal after the EU Directive Chapter 6 will introduce Japan legislation regarding legal protection of database works and discuss the goodness and badness through Japan academy and judicial viewpoint Chapter 7 will introduce Taiwan's legislation to find whether current law provides enough and adequate protection to databases and discuss whether there is a necessity of amendment At last this paper will try to provide some suggestions about our legislation Chapter 8 is the conclusion of this paper


Government's overseas information and cultural programs; including the voice of America and the us information service in the us embassies abroad; Conducting a wide variety of communication activities - from academic and cultural exchanges to press, radio, television, film, seminar, library, and cultural center programs abroad in order to strengthen foreign understanding of American society, obtain greater support of u.s.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
