英语人>网络例句>美国 相关的搜索结果


与 美国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even Dave Salmonsen with the American Farm Bureau Federation — which represents U.S. farmers — is not an enthusiastic supporter of the U.S. aid to Brazil.


Minerva, personifying the United States, stands with a left hand resting on fasces and right hand holding a shield blazoned with the United States arms. She repulses Discord, represented by snakes.


American law specifies that if car/motorcycle/motorcar and its parts (brake hose, car lighting, reflector, brake fluid, tyre and felloe, glass, headgear, paint and chemical coating materials used for traffic means, and so on), ship, plane, truck, tank truck, electric car, tyre, air-pocket and such products want to come into America for sale and use, they have to get the DOT certification.


Yang, BS in Microbiology (1982), Xiamen University; PhD in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (1994), University of Houston, Texas; 1982 -1988, Assistant Engineer, Guangzhou Institute of Microbiology; 1996-1998; NIH Postdoctoral Fellow/Associate Research Scientist (1994-1998), Department of Biochemistry/Ophthalmology, Columbia University, New York; 1998-2005, Research Assistant Professor/Research Officer , Institute of Molecular Biology/Department of Physiology, The University of Hong Kong; 2006 – present, Professor, Xiamen University.

厦门大学微生物学学士(1982);美国德州休士顿大学生化博士(1994); 1982 -1988,广州市微生物研究所,助理工程师; 1994-1998,美国哥伦比亚大学,美国NIH博士后/副研究员; 1998-2005,香港大学分子生物研究所/生理系,研究助理教授/研究员; 2006–现今,厦门大学生命科学学院,教授/博士生导师,兼厦门大学实验动物中心主任、福建省实验动物学会常务理事

Figure 76. In the early 1970s,R.Burton Litton (Figure 77 left) of the University of California and Edward Stone (Figure 77 right) of the United States Forest Service responded to an important new American law, the National Environmental Policy Act.

。 在1970年代初期,河伯顿烈(图77左)在美国加州大学和爱德华斯通(图77右),美国林务局回答了一个重要的新的美国法律,国家环境政策法案。

The topic of this thesis is Blacklist of American filmdom from lateforties to early fifties 20th. Through the graphic investigation ofAmerican international politics and interior economy then, we intend toreveal the historical progress how McCarthyism began and became theleading ideology.

本论文以 20 世纪 40 年代末、50 年代初发生在美国电影界的黑名单运动为主要内容,从当时整个美国所处的国际政治和经济形势入手,论述麦卡锡主义如何在美国社会上开始滥觞并占据主导的意识形态地位。

The issue surrounding US interrogation methods and whether they amount to torture resurfaced two weeks ago when the Defense Department released an 81-page document in response to the ACLU's ongoing FOIA lawsuit.


The superconductor generators that are to be utilized for 10 MW-class superconductor wind turbines are based on proven technology AMSC has developed for superconductor ship propulsion motors and generators under contracts with the U.S. Navy. AMSC announced the successful completion of full-power testing of the world's first 36.5 megawatt high temperature superconductor ship propulsion motor at the U.S.

用于10 MW风机的超导发电机是基于美国超导公司为美国海军成功研发的超导舰船推进电机和发电机的技术基础上开发的。2009年1月,我们设计、生产的36.5 MW超导舰船推进电机在美国海军的费城联合电力系统陆地测试基地成功地通过了满载测试。

1Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting From the Coming Rise in the Stock Market is a book by James K. Glassman and Kevin A. Hassett. It was published in 1999, shortly before the dot-com bubble burst, and predicted that the Dow Jones Industrial Average would rise to 36,000 within a few years. Parts of the book were also published in The Atlantic Monthly.


The original script for Pierce Brosnan's first outing as 007, GoldenEye, had to be changed when military brass objected to the character of a treacherous US admiral. Perhaps sensing the enjoyment the French get out of being offended, the traitor became an admiral in the French Navy instead. US military support was assured.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
