英语人>网络例句>美国 相关的搜索结果


与 美国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Americans are known for having very sensitive noses. In America,'B.O.' is socially unacceptable. For that reason, Americans consider the use of deodorant or anti-perspirant a must. Ladies often add a touch of perfume for an extra fresh scent. Men may splash on after-shave lotion or manly-smelling cologne. Another cultural no-no in America is bad breath. Americans don't like to smell what other people ate for lunch-especially onions or garlic. Their solution?


After Cold War, the status of Foreign Aid declined in the U.S national stratagem and its fund has been decreased to a level of less than a third of that in peak. After 9.11 Events, the global stratagem of the U.S changed in a large degree and transferred its core to Antiterrorism and anti-diffusion of weapons of mass destruction. At that time, the U.S drew its attention back to the Foreign Aid, such as Political Aid, Military Aid and Economic Aid, and took it as a powerful tool in global antiterrorist stratagem.


Brought up as a Field Artilleryman,his duty positions include Commanding General of the US Army Combined Arms Command Fort Leavenworth/Deputy CG, US Army Training and Doctrine Command for Combined Arms, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; CG, 3rd Infantry Division, US Army Europe and Seventh Army; Director of Force Development,Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, US Army,Washington, DC; Director, Army Airland Battle Deep Attack Programs Office, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, US Army, Washington, DC; and Director of Studies and Analysis, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments, TRADOC, Fort Monroe,Virginia.


GMC has successively communicated in terms of academic affairs with Columbia University, U.K. Royal College of General Practitioners, San Francisco State University and Université de Bretagne Occidentale, etc. These dozens of years have seen that over 50 groups of overseas scholars, who totaled over 80 person-times, have been invited to Guangzhou Medical College for the purpose of academic communication. And a long-term academic communication and cooperation between Guangzhou Medical College and foreign as well as Hongkong famous neuroscience research centers, for instance Institute of Neurosciences and Gereology of California University, School of Medicines of Indiana University, Neuroscience Center of University of Memphis in Tennessee, School of Medicines of London University, Hongkong University, Hongkong Chinese University and Hongkong University of Science and Technology, etc., is bridged.


Firstly, reviews the American blockbuster development the history, analyzes it from the theory and the practice to have the development inevitability, and elaborates the achievements of the American blockbuster from the cultural, artistic and commercial dimensions, and then reveals its external manifestations as an important cultural industry in the United States. Secondly, discusses choicely and emphases the successful elements of the American blockbuster: the operational ideas, marketing strategies and industry chain model, the three-parts binds into the indivisible entirety, which shows the internal motivation of its continuing development. Thirdly, analyzes our country movie's development present situation, and elaborates its exist deficiency, and inspects and analyzes the question which existed in the practice development, which will provide the theory and the practice foundation for as follows. Finally, combines the analysis and understanding of the American blockbuster in theory and the current development situation of the domestic film, it puts forward several noteworthy viewpoints about the future development of China's film industry.


The state of freedom which is one of the most famous monuments in the world is presented by france to american.the monumentist basol designed and spent 10years on it.it made of coper,and supported by a special steel framework.before it was transported to american,it must be took a place and a basement.the place is on a island of the entrance of the Newyork harbour.when 1884,a monument at a 151 feet heigh was stand up in pairs.at the second year,i was taken to pieses and transported to american.until at the end of novemeber in 1886,the state is made up and was officely presented to american.from that moment,the great monument is a sysmbol of freedom to the people which passed through newyork habour and made his homes in american.


Moreover, while America's revolutionary origins and republican form of government might make it sympathetic toward those seeking freedom elsewhere, America's early leaders cautioned against idealistic attempts to export our way of life; according to John Quincy Adams, America should not go "abroad in search of monsters to destroy" nor "become the dictatress of the world."

另外,虽然美国的革命历程和其政府的共和政体形式,也许会使得美国人对那些在别处寻求自由的人感同身受,但是,美国的早期领导告诫唯心主义者不要试图向外灌输我们的生活方式;根据约翰。昆西。亚当斯(John Quincy Adams,美国第六任总统,帮助制定了门罗主义)所言,美国不应该"走出边境,寻找怪物并消灭它们",也不应该"变成世界的独裁者。"

We have many series of advanced medical instruments, such as HA-100 prostata cavity infield effect melts systematically, prostata electrolysis cures instrument, Magnetism shakes the system focusing treating, SW nature dysfunction recovery instrument, USA CRS capacitance cures system, the helix hydrotherapeutics melts systematically, third generation visible involvement leads melts the system, solid state source system, micro pulse technology instrument, Germany "wolf" peritoneoscope, USA GE colour B-ultrasonography, TCT, USA COOK godet, CFZ, LEEP, Living oxygen cures system, infrared mammary glands diagnosis, CR, etc.And we also have many series of advanced medical equipment of plastic surgery, such as Israel to fly Dayton Ⅱ skin beauty workstations, SHR freezing point unhairing system, ASTER lifting ice radio system, ASD visual beauty cream treatment device, Photorejuvenation instrument, bio-power whitening kit, the liposuction wave shaped device, Eliminate scar device, a new type of semiconductor laser system, etc.

目前,医院拥有HA-100前列腺腔内场效消融系统、前列腺电解治疗仪、磁振聚焦治疗系统、SW性功能康复治疗仪、美国CRS电容场治疗系统、螺旋水疗治疗系统、固态源治疗系统、显微通脉技术仪、德国"狼"牌宫腔镜、腹腔镜、美国GE彩超、TCT早期宫颈癌筛选系统、美国COOK导丝、"海扶"聚焦超声系统、美国LEEP、德国生物氧治疗系统、乳腺远红外检测仪、芬兰乳腺钼靶、可视人流系统、中药全身汽疗治疗舱、日本数码阴道镜、心电监护仪、全套生化检测设备、全电脑肛肠治疗系统、美国DNR失眠监测仪、儿童注意力缺陷诊断仪、全电脑荧光微量元素分析仪、JAC-CPT 感觉综合训练仪等一大批国内外最先进的诊疗设备,以及以色列飞顿Ⅱ号美肤工作站、SHR超级冰点脱毛系统、ASTER冰电波除皱系统、ASD可视祛斑治疗仪、光子嫩肤仪、生物电美白仪、聚能震波吸脂仪、意大利微晶祛疤仪、新型半导体激光美容系统、整形美容术前设计系统等一整套韩国先进齐全的医学整形美容设备。

The permissiveness of American society is the soil to produce the multiplicity of American higher education. The superiority of American higher education is embodied in it's multiplicity and the American higher education is based on its cultural background. The multiplicity vitalizes American higher education, from which we can learn how to develop the multiplicity of higher education with Chinese characteristics under market economy.


American International Chamber of Commerce of the United States Chamber of Commerce, the Pan Pacific is still the most active American International Chamber of Commerce, the most important independent divisions, continue to work with the United States with the International Chamber of Commerce plays a strong role for the United States to overseas members, particularly the Pan-Pacific Rim investment in business services, in promoting economic and trade exchanges with China have been well received by the International Chamber of Commerce and the United States from all walks of life admired and praised unanimously.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
