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与 美国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Chapter thirty-six there is an occasion when all the men gather to see Captain Ahab nailing the award of a doubloon to the mast for the man who sights Moby Dick first.


RUIDE AOHUA is a high-tech corporation in Eastlake High-Tech development zone which works at research, production and sale in environment protection. In 2008, RUIDE AOHUA signed the contract with American Fitton international, and brought the BANGBOSHI brand and management experience into China, the corporation got the China market sales right of Bangboshi's Nanometer fiber decorating materials and magic square background walls.


Speaking on the ABC television program This W eek , Obama said Americans have become cynical , and with good reason .


This dissertation intends to probe into James's reflection and reconstruction of American culture by analyzing four of his great novels. It argues that Henry James, on reflecting the American cultural tradition based on Emersonian ideas, and following Matthew Arnold's great vision of cultural combination, put forward an ideal cultural pattern combining the American freedom and morality with the European intelligence and aesthetic experience. Henry James's cultural conceptualization is, in this sense, a supplement to the traditional American idealistic individualism.

论文认为,詹姆斯在对以爱默生为代表的美国传统文化思想进行反思的基础上,以马修·阿诺德(Matthew Arnold,1822-1888)的文化融合思想作为借鉴的对象,提出了一种融美国的自由精神、道德力量与欧洲的经验、审美于一体的理想的文化模式,这一构思是对美国传统理想型个人主义思想的补充与完善。

Under the Morril Act, which promulgated in the period of the War Between the States, the federal government and the Congress began to intervene into education. The enaction and practice of American education tactic can be divided into four phases according to the how deeply the federal government intervened in education.


While the US media has generally ignored Endicott's and Hagerman's findings and the Clinton administration continues to stubbornly dismiss the evidence, their research has won critical recognition from reputable experts on war crimes.

不令人吃惊,美国照样抵赖。即便美国媒体普遍忽视Endicott 和 Hagerman的调查结论:美国的确在朝鲜战争中使用了细菌战,他们的研究得到了关于"战争罪"的知名专家的承认。

Zhang Zhengdi has visited the United States, Spain, Malaysia, Korea, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Japan, Mexico and the regions as Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan. During his visit in the US, his English horn solo of Berlioz's Roman Carnival obtained highly acclaim in the Washington Post.


I agree with the word that a film review person of American says: If you are American clique series 一, the faithful epigone of 二, so you can like heartily " the United States is bridal " stunt of consecratory of all kinds, conversely if you are comedic to sex of this kind of toilet all along sniff, so I am forced to say, this film, not be that cup of your tea.


And his aides claim America's quiet diplomacy is making progress in obtaining the Sino-us relationship Trade follows the flag Shuttle diplomacy A remarkable performance in shuttle diplomacy by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger brought about a cease-fire and a disengagement accord that was widely hailed as a major American diplomatic achievement Semiofficial diplomacy Track Two diplomacy People-to-people diplomacy Personal diplomacy National diplomacy Baseball diplomacy Cricket diplomacy Kid-glove diplomacy Children diplomacy Football/ soccer diplomacy Go diplomacy Petrol diplomacy Ping-pang diplomacy Sports diplomacy Wrestling diplomacy Non-governmental diplomacy Crisis diplomacy Some formal diplomatic terms Roving ambassador Ambassador without destination Envoy Cultural ambassador Special diplomatic envoy Emissary Legate Minister High commissioner Counsellor Military attache Naval attache Air attache Equerry Follower Diplomatic corps mission military advisory group Military mission Legation sever diplomatic relations boycott close breach resume trade relations national treatment Extraterritoriality Consular jurisdiction Privileges Note Verbal note speaking notes/talking points non paper exchange of notes Credentials Letter of recall raising status Debase mandatory administration Dominion Pourparlers Approach offer Good offices Denial of justice secret clauses Verbal agreement Text of treaty treaty of amity and commerce

和他的助手声称美国的静悄悄的外交正在取得进展,中美关系贸易如下国旗穿梭外交显著业绩的穿梭外交的美国国务卿基辛格带来了停火和脱离接触协议,被广泛誉为美国的主要外交成就半官方外交第二轨道外交人民外交个人外交国家外交棒球外交板球外交陈文杰手套外交儿童外交足球/足球外交转到外交石油外交乒乓外交体育外交摔跤外交非政府外交外交危机一些正式的外交条款巡回大使没有目的地大使特使文化大使特别外交特使使者特使部长高级专员参赞武官海军武官空军武官 Equerry 从动外交使团使命军事谘询小组军事任务公馆断绝外交关系抵制密切违约恢复贸易关系国民待遇治外法权领事裁判权特权注意:全权证书信中回顾提高地位贬低行政强制明 Pourparlers 提供方法斡旋拒绝司法秘密条款口头协议条约文本友好条约和商业普通照会发言指出/谈话要点非纸换文

If the United States occupied the Iran, China can only act in face of the United States, equivalent to the United States with a rope tied around the Chinese, would like to close on the land, like Fang Jiufang.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
