英语人>网络例句>美国 相关的搜索结果


与 美国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"The day I'm inaugurated, not only will the country look at itself differently, but the world will look at America differently," he told an audience in Audubon, Iowa, last month.


Only the U.S. Embassy or one of the U.S. Consulates General can speak authoritatively on U.S.


For the next two years, when so much effort was devoted to rebuilding Iraq in America's image and crushing an unexpected and potent Iraqi insurgency, China was distinctly on the back-burner.


- Became assistant to Karl Landsteiner at the Rockefeller Institute, New York, USA1935 - Worked as a bacteriologist and serologist at Newark Beth Israel Hospital, New Jersey, USA1944 - Levine started a centre for blood group research at the Ortho Research Foundation, Raritan, New Jersey1946 - Albert Lasker Award for clinical research awarded to Levine jointly with Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener for their work on the Rhesus factor , HDN and blood transfusion1969 - The American Society of Clinical Pathologists started an award for clinical research and named it the Philip Levine Award.

1923年-任康奈尔大学的医学博士; 1925年-在美国纽约洛克菲勒研究所成为病理学家卡尔兰德坦纳的助理; 1932年-在威斯康星大学从事噬菌体研究工作——麦迪逊; 1935年-在美国新州纽获克以色列医院作为细菌学家和血清学家; 1944年-在新泽西州拉里坦的奥索研究基金会开始了一个血型研究; 1946年-因为他们对Rh因子,新生儿溶血病和输血中的研究工作,拉斯克临床研究奖一并颁发给菲利普列文,卡尔兰德坦纳,亚历山大维纳; 1969年-美国临床病例协会开始了一项临床研究的奖励,并命名为菲利普列文奖。

By the way, Chunghwa Telecom will issue American Depository Receipts in the United States in early July, I will go to New York Stock Market to protest the issuance of Chunghwa Telecom's ADR. Therefore, I hope President Morton Bahr can help in affording necessary arrangement and assistance.

另外,中华电信公司打算七月初在美国发行美国存托凭证,我希望美国电信工会理事长Morton Bahr能提供必要的协助与安排,我要到纽约证券市场去抗议中华电信公司发行ADR。

Martin Baily, chief economist to former President Bill Clinton, worries whether foreigners will continue to buy the Treasury debt needed to fund the rapidly growing government deficit.


Sometimes referred to as the Sottile Bandog, Italian-American Bulldog or just plainly American Cane Corso, being initially just an American-bred Cane Corso Italiano strain, this breed is today generally disregarded by Italian breeders as unpure, due to the introduction of some fighting breeds to its bloodline, most notably the Presa Canario, Rottweiler, Bandogge, English Mastiff and the Pit Bull Terrier.

有时被称为sottile bandog ,意大利美国牛头犬,或者直接称为美国 Cane Corso ,最初只是一种美国繁殖的意大利卡斯罗变种,由于采用了一些斗犬品种引进它的血系,其中最引人注目的加纳力,洛威拿,班道戈,英獒和比特斗牛,这个品种在今天只被意大利繁殖者视作为非纯种狗。

A major US newspaper report says US president Barack Obama will lay out a timetable for ultimately ending the war in Afghanistan when .he announces his administration's in Afghanistan strategy Tuesday .the New York Times online today quotes senior administration official as saying the president will be more explicit about the goals and timeframe of the war than his administration has been in previously public discussions.


That may be the first instance of sanctions failing, but there are plenty of more recent cases. In the 20th century they were used ever more often, especially by American presidents and lawmakers. Franklin Roosevelt tried sanctions on Japan in 1940. Dwight Eisenhower smacked them on Britain in 1956 to end the Suez venture. Jimmy Carter punished the Soviet Union after its invasion of Afghanistan in 1980 with a wheat embargo and an Olympic boycott. Ronald Reagan imposed them in protest at martial law in Poland. Congress, too, came to see sanctions as an easy, cheap way of expressing ire. In 1996, for example, Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Vanuatu and Venezuela were all under American embargo for beastliness to whales or dolphins.


This paper intends to, with its rich examples of curriculum reform in American high schools, probe into the history, the concretely respective course reform and the related policies, which will be conducive to become acquainted with the curriculum reform in American high schools.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
