英语人>网络例句>美国 相关的搜索结果


与 美国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Why? Because US mutual funds, US banks, US corporations all were forced to repatriate their foreign profits to cover losses in the US.


Because US mutual funds, US banks, US corporations all were forced to repatriate their foreign profits to cover losses in the US.


His major works and commissions include: ' Three Temperaments , for Big Choir ' (1986), ' Counterpoint of Times , for woodwind septet ' (1989), ' Wild Children , for mixed Chamber Ensemble ' (1993), ' Overture , for solo Chinese bass drum and Chinese winds and percussion band ' (1994), ' Intonation , for chamber orchestra ' (1990-1994), ' Flavour of Bashu , for two violins, piano and percussion ' (1995), ' Pole , for solo Chinese Yun-luo, Chinese pai-gu and Chinese bass drum with six percussionists ' (1996),commissioned by Japan Asian Percussion Ensemble, ' Symphonic Prelude --- Bashu Capriccio' (1996), 'The Song Without Words , for solo percussion ' (1997), commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of Japan, Japanese Contemporary Music Association, and Japanese Embassy in China,'Illusions of the Symphonic Stage of Tang Dynast y , for orchestra of Tang Dynasty, percussion, voices and a big choir '(1999), commissioned by Japanese No Music Guanshiliu Green Spring Association, Chinese Music Research Center in Japan, Japanese Asian Percussion Ensemble and Japanese-Chinese Cultural Exchange Association,'The Prospect of Colored Desert , for violin, cello, sheng, pipa and percussion '(2000),commissioned by Yo-Yo Ma, Silk Road Project Inc. of the U.S., Sony Record,'Three Movements of Autumn , for small Chinese instruments ensembl e'(2000) and ' Sound Games , for 5 Chinese Percussion Instruments Players ' (2000-01), commissioned by La Cité de la Musique, Paris "2000 Chinese Classical Music Series", ' Fusion I , for Mixed Chamber Ensemble ' (2002), commissioned by Holland New Ensemble and Atlas Ensemble, ' Fusion II , Concerto for Solo Chinese Percussion and Orch.' (2002), commissioned by Japanese–Chinese Committee of Friendship and Public Music Performance, and ' Fusion III , for Irish flute, accordion, bodhran, Chinese sheng, zheng, Percussion and 13 Strings with Chamber Choir.' (2003-04), commissioned by China-Ireland Exchange Program, ' The Three Images from Washing Painting , for chamber ensemble of 17 players '(2005) commissioned by the New Juilliard Ensemble for the special concert of the Juilliard Centennial and sponsored by Asian Cultural Council and the Guggenheim Partnership and 'The Butterfly Dream', new 7 scenes Opera inspired by KUN QU' (2007) commissioned by the Contemporary Legend Theatre, Taiwan etc.

主要作品及委约包括:《三种气质,无伴奏合唱》(1986)、《时间的对位,木管七重奏》(1989)、《野娃子,混合室内乐队与童声》(1993)、《对话,男声独唱,女高音,童声合唱团,混声合唱团与混合乐队》(1993-94)、《序鼓,独奏中国大鼓、排鼓、云锣与中国民间吹打乐队》(1994)、《吟,室内交响乐》(1990-1994)、《蜀韵,两支小提琴、钢琴与打击乐》(1995)、《极,独奏中国云锣、大鼓、排鼓与六位打击乐演奏家》(1996)、《巴蜀随想,交响序曲》(1996)、《无词歌,打击乐独奏》(1997)(日本国文化厅、日本现代音乐协会、日本国驻中国领事馆等联合委约)、《梦的交响舞台,唐代乐队,打击乐,人声与合唱团》(1999)(日本能乐观世流绿泉会、日本中国音乐勉强会、日本亚洲打击乐团、日中文化交流协会等联合委约)、《舞蹈组曲,大型管弦乐队》(1999)、《漠墨图,小提琴、大提琴、笙、琵琶与打击乐》(2000)(马友友、美国丝绸之路文化发展公司、日本Sony唱片等联合委约)、《秋三阕,9位中国乐器演奏家》(2000)、《响趣,5位中国打击乐器演奏家》(2000)(法国巴黎音乐城"2000中国古典音乐系列音乐会"委约)、《融I ,混合室内乐团》(2002)(荷兰 New Ensemble, Atlas Ensemble联合委约)、《融II ,打击乐协奏曲》(2002)(日本日中友好音乐公演委员会委约)、《融III ,爱尔兰笛子、手风琴、巴朗鼓,中国笙、筝,打击乐,13件弦乐器以及室内合唱团》(2003-04)(爱尔兰国家文化委员会、爱中2004文化交流年组委会委约)、《水墨画意三则,为17位演奏家的室内乐团》(2005)(美国朱丽亚音乐学院新室内乐团委约,美国亚洲文化基金会和美国古根海姆基金支助)及《梦蝶,七场新昆剧》(2007)等。

Ok china has one of the best armys but they are not going to attack usa for a long while because china makes all kinds of things and ship it to usa for money if they attack the usa theyr econemy will fall only when they have millions and millions of dollars they will do it but then i hope im already dead.


Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Beaser studied literature, political philosophy and music at Yale College, graduating summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa in 1976. He went on to earn his Master of Music, M.M.A. and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees from the Yale School of Music.


New accessible long-term production and sale of foot brush pressure molding machine, drilling machine pressure foot gong machine spindle molding machine fittings imports of Chinese-made machine stress foot brush, foot stress tablets rigs such as the development of knife Block Sales: Taiwan substantial, Taiwan Li-song, Taiwan's total grid, Taiwan Ende, Germany SCHMOLL, Italian PLURITEC, USA ACC, the United States EXCELLON, Japan's Hitachi, Switzerland POSALUX, Chongqing substantial Vientiane, Chengdu Tianma stars VEKEN Han ten thousandNC NC East Units Klingelnberg long Ze 6 The United States United States Telemark Telemark 5 JAGER various drill chucks knife Block molding machine needle plate for industrial use in vitro toothbrush cleaning rod pin brush sets Central, QIC thrust bearing, air bearing surrounding the circuit board supplies, such as fittings, quality and high precision, stable quality, price concessions, there are hundreds of traders PCB supplies, drilling machine repair business with the Division has built cooperative relations many enterprises are designated suppliers, are popular among clients trust and support.

新易达公司长期生产,销售成型机压力脚毛刷,钻孔机压脚,锣机主轴配件成型机进口国产机压力脚毛刷,钻机压力脚垫片刀座等开发销售:台湾大量、台湾力嵩、台湾总格、台湾恩德、德国SCHMOLL、意大利PLURITEC、美国ACC、美国EXCELLON、日本日立、瑞士POSALUX、重庆大量万象、成都星维科天马大族数控万达松林数控东台KlingeLnberg 龙泽美国玛克6 美国玛克5 JAGER等各种钻机成型机夹头刀座针盘工业用牙刷试管通条刷销钉套环、QIC止推培林,空气培林等线路板周边耗材配件,品质精度高、质量稳定,价格优惠,全国有数百个PCB耗材贸易商,钻孔机维修商与本司建有合作关系,是众多企业公司指定的供应商,深受广大客商信任和支持。

Each Fourth of July would then stand as a tidemark in the flood of time by which to ascertain the advance of the human intellect, by which to note the rise and fall of each successive error, the discovery of each important truth, the gradual melioration in our public institutions, social arrangements, and, above all, in our moral feelings and mental views....


Maritime Boundary Agreement in the Bering Sea still awaits Russian Duma ratification; managed maritime boundary disputes with Canada at Dixon Entrance, Beaufort Sea, Strait of Juan de Fuca, and around the disputed Machias Seal Island and North Rock; The Bahamas and US have not been able to agree on a maritime boundary; US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay is leased from Cuba and only mutual agreement or US abandonment of the area can terminate the lease; Haiti claims US-administered Navassa Island; US has made no territorial claim in Antarctica (but has reserved the right to do so) and does not recognize the claims of any other states; Marshall Islands claims Wake Island; Tokelau included American Samoa's Swains Island among the islands listed in its 2006 draft constitution

1990白令海沿海边界协议仍然在等候俄国杜马批准;被处理的沿海边界争执涉及到加拿大狄克逊入口, Beaufort 海,胡安 de Fuca 海峡, Machias 封印海岛和 North Rock;巴哈马和美国未能对一个沿海边界达成协议;关塔那摩海湾的美国海军基地被古巴租用,并且仅相互协议或美国自动放弃的情况下才能终止租约;海地要求纳瓦萨岛主权;美国在南极州未做领土要求和不认可南极洲的任何其领土要求;马歇尔群岛要求威克岛主权;托克拉奥在它的2006宪法草案中包括了美洲萨摩亚的 Swains 海岛。

This article focuses on the origin of U.S. Transcendentalism, its philosophical meaning, as well as the core of American Transcendentalism, in order to promote our understanding of Transcendentalism as well as American culture.


In our close collaboration with psychologist Susanne Cook-Greuter—and our 25 years of extensive survey-based consulting at companies such as Deutsche Bank, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Hewlett-Packard, NSA, Trillium Asset Management, Aviva, and Volvo—we've worked with thousands of executives as they've tried to develop their leadership skills.

在心理学者苏珊·库克·格罗伊特的密切协作下,我们25年里进行了广泛的以调查为基础的咨询研究。我们调查的企业、机构包括德国的德意志银行,美国的Harvard Pilgrim Health Care 基金会,惠普,美国安全局,美国的延龄草资产管理公司,美国的Aviva通讯公司,和瑞典的沃尔沃集团公司等。我们与这些公司和机构的数千位执行官或经理们共同工作并发展他们的领导艺术。

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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
