英语人>网络例句>罪恶的 相关的搜索结果


与 罪恶的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It screams like an abattoir full of retarded children...and the night reeks of fornication and bad consciences.

在夜晚到处都是jian情与罪恶 PS;此文系Rorschach对冷战时期美国纽约的看法,不代表任何zhenzhi立场

The reason is obvious, such acts lack neither adequate advertence nor sufficient consent, even though the latter be elicited only to avoid a greater evil or one conceived to be greater.


Covers all manner of sins, doesn't it?


Where there is triviality, there is sin and animality.


There's no vice like avarice.


"And yet I shall awaken memories of love and crime and death."


On the other hand, they, the 'Remonstrants', a name they received later from this, their 'Remonstrance', hold that man 'has no saving belief in himself, nor out of the force of his free-will', if he lives in sin, but that it is necessary that 'he be born again from God in Christ by means of His Holy Spirit, and renewed in understanding and affection, or will and all strength', since without grace man cannot resist sin, although he cannot be counted as irresistible to grace.

另一方面,他们的' Remonstrants ',一个名字后,他们收到来自这一点,他们的'谏',认为人类没有信仰的拯救自己,也不离开部队,他自由意志',如果他生活在罪恶,但有必要他将再次从出生在基督上帝的方式他的圣灵,并重新理解和感情,或将和所有的力量',因为没有宽限期的人无法抗拒罪恶,尽管他不能算作不可抗拒的,以宽限期。

Say brain is our friend, inasmuch as we have to depend on our full sapiential and flourish brain to find out the solution and answer of coping with nature disaster; Say brain is our enemy, inasmuch as all of the command of war or crime are derived from our brain, but that can not be done to lean to religion , politics and education pilot if we would like to entirely root up those commands of war or crime from our brain.


Doubt not but that sin [ 285 ] Will reign among them, as of thee begot; And therefore was Law given them to evince Thir natural pravitie, by stirring up Sin against Law to fight; that when they see Law can discover sin, but not remove, [ 290 ] Save by those shadowie expiations weak, The bloud of Bulls and Goats, they may conclude Some bloud more precious must be paid for Man, Just for unjust, that in such righteousness To them by Faith imputed, they may finde [ 295 ] Justification towards God, and peace Of Conscience, which the Law by Ceremonies Cannot appease, nor Man the moral part Perform, and not performing cannot live.


An instance is provided by Aristotle's famous saying that the typical tragic hero is one who falls from high state or fame, not through vice or depravity, but by some great _hamartia_. _Hamartia_ means originally a 'bad shot' or 'error', but is currently used for 'offence' or 'sin'.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
