英语人>网络例句>罪恶的 相关的搜索结果


与 罪恶的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For whoever will be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man also will be ashamed of him, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels .

8:37 凡在这淫乱罪恶的世代,把我和我的道当作可耻的,人子在他父的荣耀里,同圣天使降临的时候,也要把那人当作可耻的。

LAS VEGAS -- Amid the bright lights of America's most sinfully extravagant city, the NBA's glitziest team filled slightly more than half an arena last weekend.


Dickens wrote serialised novels, the usual format for fiction at the time, and each new part of his stories was eagerly anticipated by the reading public.


Interspersed with disquisitions on evil are Mr Carroll's explanations of his own sense of guilt that somehow his support for the peace movement in the 1960s contributed to his father's professional downfall.


O Lord, upon Your altar of expiation, I offer You all the sins and offenses I have committed in Your presence and in the presence of Your holy angels, from the day when I first could sin until this hour, that You may burn and consume them all in the fire of Your love, that You may wipe away their every stain, cleanse my conscience of every fault, and restore to me Your grace which I lost in sin by granting full pardon for all and receiving me mercifully with the kiss of peace.


When Max Mosley, the president of Formula One racing, was allegedly caught on tape in a London dungeon indulging in a five-hour sadomasochistic orgy with five prostitutes, the outrage wasn't over his criminal sexual trafficking, but over his outfit.

当F1赛车的主席,Max Mosley,据称被拍摄到在伦敦沉溺于与5个妓女长达5小时的性虐狂欢时,公众的愤怒并未集中在他罪恶的性交易上,而在他的装扮上。

In every case, whether referring to the invisible or visible church, it is called " ekklesia " because of the true believers in its midst who have been "called out" of this sinful world to be members of the Kingdom of God .

无论何种情形下,无论指代可见还是不可见的教会,之所以被称为& ekklesia &,是因为存在于他其中的那些真信徒,他们从罪恶的世界中被&召出来的&成为了上帝国度里的子民。

From the soldiers who fought for independence at Bunker Hill and Yorktown, to the Americans who broke the chains of slavery, liberated Europe and Asia from tyranny, and brought down an evil empire, the people of this great land have always risen to freedom's defense.


Two River as a result of floods and accumulated into a fertile soil, known as the "fertile crescent zone"(South America and the "Golden Triangle" region of the famous known as the "evil Crescent").


Later, as special counsel to the Interstate Commerce Commission, he took on the railroad barons,[7] insisting that they should not get rate increases "so long as the vicious system of interlocking directorates makes it impossible to know how much of the money is honestly and efficiently spent."


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
