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与 罗杰 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A city of eastern North Carolina near the Atlantic Ocean north-northeast of Wilmington.


A new epoch began with the entrance into religion of Jerome Gratian, inasmuch as this remarkable man was almost immediately entrusted by the nuncio with the authority of visitor Apostolic of the Carmelite friars and nuns of the old observance in Andalusia, and as such considered himself entitled to overrule the various restrictions insisted upon by the general and the general chapter.

一个新的时代开始了进入宗教的杰罗姆gratian ,因为这个杰出的男子几乎立即委托,由圣座驻经他授权的访客使徒的carmelite方济各会士和修女们的旧遵守在安达卢西亚的,正因为如此认为自己有权推翻了种种限制,坚持由一般和一般的篇章。

Readings from the twentieth-century include poetry by Lowell and Walcott and fiction by Ondaatje and O.S.


Jewish arguments of that kind are often quoted by Justin, Origen, Jerome, and other fathers.


Jerome and Origen were great travellers, and all three were omniverous readers.


. Jerome, however, to whom Augustine's pupil Orosius, a Spanish priest, personally explained the danger of the new heresy, and who had been chagrined by the severity with which Pelagius had criticized his commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians, thought the time ripe to enter the lists; this he did by his letter to Ctesiphon Ep.

杰罗姆,但是,向谁奥古斯丁的学生orosius ,一名西班牙神父,亲自解释的危险,新的异端,谁已chagrined由严重性与伯拉纠曾批评他的评论对书信向以弗所书,认为时间已经成熟进入名单;这他,他写信给泰西封

Designer Paul Berger created Paki as a edutainment way for school kids to learn about energy consumption.


As time went on, Jerome became more expert in the art of translating, and he outgrew the tendency to palliate, as he came across them, certain errors of Origen.


Jerome, who considers Paralipomenon as equivalent to "epitome of the Old Testament", is probably the true one.


In the prologue to his commentary of the book, St. Jerome informs us that some understood 'Elqoshite as a patronymic indication:"the son of Elqosh"; he, however, holds the commonly accepted view that the word 'Elqoshite shows that the Prophet was a native of Elqosh.

在他的评注序幕的书,圣杰罗姆告诉我们,有些人理解' Elqoshite作为父表明:"儿子Elqosh ";不过,他认为,普遍接受的观点,即这个词' Elqoshite表明,先知是一个土生土长的Elqosh 。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
