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与 罗杰 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jerome also in his commentary upon The Epistle of Paul to Titus, says something not unlike this: Before attachment to persons in religion was begun at the instigation of the devil, the churches were governed by the common consultation of the elders; but after every one thought that those whom he had baptized were his own, and not Christ's, it was decreed that one of the elders should be chosen, and set over the rest, upon whom should fall the care of the whole Church, and all schismatic seeds should be removed.


Of course, I know most of the Leonard Bernstein–Stephen Sondheim score; I've seen enough clips to be familiar with the famed Jerome Robbins choreography; and I'd have to be a pretty benighted theatergoer not to know at least the central conceit of the story — Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet transplanted to the street gangs of New York City in the 1950s.


She was most proud of this recording, on which she wrote or co-wrote all the material except "Love Colors" and was genuinely overjoyed by the outstanding musicians involved in it's creation, the likes of the great Brazilian guitarist, Romero Lubambo, pianists, Bill O'Connell and David Benoit, bassist Lincoln Goines, trombonist Jay Ashby and drummer Ricky Sebastian.

她是最值得骄傲的这个记录,因为她写道或共同撰写的所有材料除"爱的颜色",是真正喜出望外的杰出音乐家参与了它的创造,像巴西的伟大的吉他手,罗梅罗Lubambo ,钢琴,比尔奥康内尔和大卫贝努瓦,贝斯手林肯尼斯,长号手,鼓手杰比里奇塞巴斯蒂安。

Very significant, as showing a deep-rooted desire for some form of atoning sacrifice, is the custom-known already in the time of the Geonim, and found in Asia and Africa (see Benjamin II.,"Acht Yahre in Asien und Africa," 1858, p. 273), as well as in Europe (Asheri Yoma viii. 23; Mazor Vitry, p. 339; Kol Bo lxviii.; Shulan 'Aruk, Ora ayyim, 605), though disapproved by Namanides, Solomon ben Adret, and Joseph Caro-of swinging over one's head, on or before the eve of Atonement Day, a fowl, usually a rooster or hen; solemnly pronouncing the same to be a vicarious sacrifice to be killed in place of the Jew or Jewess who might be guilty of death by his or her sin.

非常重要,因为显示一个根深蒂固的愿望,为某种形式的atoning牺牲,是定制众所周知,已在时间的geonim ,并发现,在亚洲和非洲(见本杰明二,"阿赫特yahre在asien und非洲," 1858年,第273页),以及在欧洲(阿舍里yoma八, 23岁; mazor vitry ,第339名; Kol公报lxviii ; shulan ' aruk , ora ayyim , 605 ),虽然不赞成namanides ,索罗门贲adret和约瑟夫卡罗( ur ora ayyim ,立法会)-摆动超过一个人的头部,或以前前夕的赎罪日,禽,通常是公鸡还是母鸡;庄严宣告了同样是一个替代牺牲被杀害到位对犹太人或jewess那些可能犯的死刑,他或她的罪过。

Very significant, as showing a deep-rooted desire for some form of atoning sacrifice, is the custom-known already in the time of the Geonim, and found in Asia and Africa (see Benjamin II.,"Acht Yahre in Asien und Africa," 1858, p. 273), as well as in Europe (Asheri Yoma viii. 23; Mazor Vitry, p. 339; Kol Bo lxviii.; Shulan 'Aruk, Ora ayyim, 605), though disapproved by Namanides, Solomon ben Adret, and Joseph Caro-of swinging over one's head, on or before the eve of Atonement Day, a fowl, usually a rooster or hen; solemnly pronouncing the same to be a vicarious sacrifice to be killed in place of the Jew or Jewess who might be guilty of death by his or her sin.

非常重要,因为显示一个根深蒂固的愿望,为某种形式的atoning牺牲,是定制众所周知,已在时间的geonim ,并发现,在亚洲和非洲(见本杰明二,&阿赫特yahre在asien und非洲,& 1858年,第273页),以及在欧洲(阿舍里yoma八, 23岁; mazor vitry ,第339名; Kol公报lxviii ; shulan ' aruk , ora ayyim , 605 ),虽然不赞成namanides ,索罗门贲adret和约瑟夫卡罗( ur ora ayyim ,立法会)-摆动超过一个人的头部,或以前前夕的赎罪日,禽,通常是公鸡还是母鸡;庄严宣告了同样是一个替代牺牲被杀害到位对犹太人或jewess那些可能犯的死刑,他或她的罪过。

During this symposium, six honored guests presented and give us terrific speeches. One is Liu Xiaohong,One is Lian Zi, a well known female writer in modern China. Another is Ms Jerrie Ueberle, C.E.O Global Strategies ,Inc. Teachers ,students and parents were privileged to interact personally with the guest speakers to discuss many important issues. Such as,Women and Health, Marriage and Career , Motherhood and Career , Balancing Time and Money, Starting Your Own Business and many other hot topics. We have learned so much from the rich life experiences, insight and wisdom of our guest speakers. So on behalf of SIAS International University, I want to express our sincere appreciation to you for all you've contributed to this event.


The fourth century, which was already referring to the fathers, provides us with some of the greatest of all in men like Athanasius, Hilary, Basil, Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory of Nazianzus, Ambrose, Augustine, Chrysostom, and Jerome.

第四个世纪,这已经是指父亲,为我们提供了一些最伟大的一切,在男性喜欢athanasius ,希拉蕊,罗勒,格雷戈里的nyssa ,格雷戈里的nazianzus ,刘汉铨,奥古斯丁,金口,杰罗姆。

Dr. Lorraine Lange, Roanoke County schools superintendent, said:"I don't think students here are differently stressed from any other high school students."


There is far more historical matter in those of Ambrose and Jerome, Basil and Chrysostom.


Rosie O'Donnell also guest stars, reprising her Season IV role as lottery winner Dawn Budge, and Leslie Grossman reprises her Season I role as former patient Bliss Berger.

罗茜奥唐奈也客户星级, reprising她的赛季第四的作用,作为彩票赢家黎明让步,和Leslie格罗斯曼reprises她的季节i 的作用,作为前病人布利斯伯杰。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
