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与 罗杰 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, the Puritan elders, in their black cloaks, starched bands, and steeple-crowned hats, smiled not unbenignantly at the clamour and rude deportment of these jolly seafaring men; and it excited neither surprise nor anim-adversion, when so reputable a citizen as old Roger Chillingworth, the physician, was seen to enter the market-place, in close and familiar talk with the commander of the questionable vessel.


Thus, the Puritan elders, in their black cloaks, starched bands, steeple-crowned hats, smiled not unbenignantly at the clamour rude deportment of these jolly seafaring men; it excited neither surprise nor anim-adversion, when so reputable a citizen as old Roger Chillingworth, the physician, was seen to enter the market-place, in close familiar talk with the commander of the questionable vessel.

因此 www.8 t tt8。 com ,那些穿着黑色礼服、挺着浆过的环状皱领、戴着尖顶高帽的清教徒长者们,对于这帮快活的水手们的大声喧哗和粗野举动,反倒报以不无慈爱的微笑;而当人们看到老罗杰·齐灵渥斯这样一个德高望重的居民和医生走进市场、同那艘形迹可疑的船只曲船长亲密面随便地交谈的时候,既没有引起惊讶之感,也没有议论纷纷。

At least according to Roger Vadim, who made the film Et Dieu Crea la Femme, which was Brigitte Bardot's launch vehicle into stellar celebrity.


Roger Van Zant.


Roger Fry is an unusual Artistic theoretician who had obtained remarkable achievements both in art theory and practice in modem England. His artistic criticism thoughts mainly have two sources in esthetics foundation, one is the German classicism esthetician Kant, another one is the Analysis philosopher More.


None of the films was burdened with plot, dialogue or characterisation that could be called credible.


I realized I was hooked on it. It totally mesmerized me.


The jailer, after ushering him into the room, remained a moment, marvelling at the comparative quiet that followed his entrance; for Hester Prynne had immediately become as still as death, although the child continued to moan.


When Robert got up to preach, the congregation had been there a good while.


"Her only justification lay in the fact, that she had been able to discern no method of rescuing him from a blacker ruin than had overwhelmed herself, except by acquiescing in Roger Chillingworth's scheme of disguise."


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
