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与 罗恩斯 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Better known as his onscreen persona Ron Weasley, he's the carrot-topped, bumbling heartthrob who has single-handedly convinced college girls the world over that dating a right-hand man is totally appealing … if he's as adorably awkward as Mr.


I'm Frances Alonzo, VOA News.


If we can figure out why these animals are able to cope with it perhaps it could be used to develop medicines to help people deal with alcohol poisoning, the University of Bayreuth's Frank Wiens said.


"That's what we're designing the car for," says Ron Ayers, chief aeronautic engineer on the Bloodhound project.


Bear didn't think it could happen to them and Lehman didn't think it could happen to them either,' said analyst David Trone of Fox-Pitt, Kelton.'I think management looked at Bear and Lehman and said we're not going to go down that slope, we're going to try and get our shareholders something before we end up in the same camp.

Fox-Pitt Kelton 的分析师大卫·特罗恩说,贝尔斯登对他们的命运始料未及,雷曼兄弟也想不到自己会栽进去;我想美林管理层吸取了贝尔斯登和雷曼兄弟的经验,最终决定不能坐以待毙,怎么也得在完蛋之前努力为股东捞回点什么。

But racing to the rescue, when the map showed Sirius Black dragging Ron and Peter into the Whomping Willow with Hermione and Harry in pursuit, Remus had forgotten the Wolfsbane Potion, so that when he later transformed he was subject to uncontrolled dementia.

但之前,当莱姆斯看到活点地图显示小天狼星布莱克拖着罗恩和彼特进入打人柳,赫敏和哈利紧追而去时,为了赶紧去援救,他忘记了服用 Wolfsbane药剂(还是因为囚徒不在手边,请帮忙核对,就是斯内普调的那种对付狼人的药剂)。因此,当后来变身时,他受支配于无法控制的疯狂。

Anyways, after the curator Didier Ottinger showed us around the exhibition last Friday, I spent a little more time roaming around the space, which was filled with selected works by famous artists of the modern period—Picasso, Matisse, Braque, Picabia, Ernst, Klee, Miro...and many many more—from the Pompidou Center collection.

总之,上个星期五,策展人Didier Ottinger导览完后,我又花了一小段时间走逛展场。看著那个充满了由庞毕度中心馆藏精选出来的现代大师──毕卡索、马谛斯、勃拉克、毕卡比亚、恩斯特、克利、米罗,以及其他许多许多──作品的空间,我突然觉得自己沐浴在「艺术」之中(一时想不到其他的形容。

The Tiber is the third-longest river in Italy, rising in the Apenine mountains in Emilia-Romagna and flowing 406 kilometres (252 mi) through Umbria and Lazio to the Tyrrhenian Sea ...

阿諾河(意大利语: Arno ),或译为阿爾諾河,是意大利托斯卡尼地區的河流,除了台伯河以外,阿諾河是義大利中部最重要的河流之一。佛罗伦斯、恩波利与比萨也位在阿諾河畔。

Seducers . They were called philosophers by Tertullian, Epicureans by St. Clement of Alexandria, Jews by Eichhorn, heathen followers of Pythagoras by Grotius.

它们被称为哲学家的良, Epicureans的圣克莱门特的亚历山德里亚,犹太人的艾希霍恩,异教徒的追随者毕达哥拉斯的格罗提斯。

Spruance-class ship in anti-submarine destroyer, Kidd-class air defense destroyers, and Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser based on the construction.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
