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与 罗恩 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, their big and cloddish idea to reschedule Leno back to late night, while trying to hipcheck Conan O'Brien from his 11:35 pm perch, all without incurring a big contract penalty fee.


Add : Don't tell Senator Coburn, but the NSF Political Science program has supported a lot of Elinor Ostrom's research.


To the holy ones and faithful brothers in Christ in Colossae: grace to you and peace from God our Father.


This is something I have been interested in testing waters ever since Garry Conn mentioned it once.


In 1976 she starred with Sean Connery in Robin and Marian.


And that's why the consecration of Gene Robinson was wrong.


The glorious martyrs are then invoked: Stephen the Deacon, protomartyr, stoned at Jerusalem whilst praying for his executioners (Acts 7:58); Laurence, the Roman archdeacon; Vincent, the deacon of Saragossa in Spain; Fabian, the pope, and Sebastian, the soldier; John and Paul, brothers at the Court of Constantia, daughter of Constantine; Cosmas and Damian, renowned physicians of gea in Cilicia; Gervasius and Protasius, brothers at Milan; after which follows a collective impetration of all the holy martyrs.

光荣的烈士,然后引用:斯蒂芬执事, protomartyr ,投掷石块,而在耶路撒冷祈祷,为他的刽子手(行为7时58分);劳伦斯,罗马archdeacon ;郑海泉,辅祭的萨拉戈萨在西班牙;比恩表示,教宗,和塞巴斯蒂安,这名士兵;约翰和保罗,兄弟在法庭上的constantia的女儿,君士坦丁;科斯马斯和达米安,著名的医师gea在基利家; gervasius和protasius ,兄弟在米兰;之后,如下一个集体impetration所有圣地的烈士。

These volcanic vents are home to exotic deep-sea creatures that will be studied by marine biologists Dr Jon Copley and Professor Paul Tyler.


As before, eleven-time WSOP bracelet winner Phil Hellmuth will lead a top field that also includes Dave 'The Devilfish' Ulliott, Tony G, Andy Black, Ian Frazer, Roland De Wolfe, Vicky Coren, Juha Helppi and Eddy Scharf.

与以前一样, 11次讲习班手镯得主Phil Hellmuth将率领一个顶级的领域还包括戴夫'的章鱼' Ulliott ,托尼则安迪黑色,伊恩弗雷泽,罗兰者沃尔夫,维基科伦,帕塔洛Helppi和埃迪沙尔夫。

It gives us this dramatic clue, then shuts up, says Sean Carroll, a cosmologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

" 巴沙迪那加州理工学院嘀宇宙学家肖恩卡罗尔说:"宇宙给我们提供了值得注意嘀线索,然后却又线索全无。

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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
