英语人>网络例句>罗尔 相关的搜索结果


与 罗尔 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Along with Lucio Fulci and Dario Argento, Romero is without any doubt one of the most influential and important horror/splatter/zombie directors of all time.

随着卢西奥富尔奇和达里奥阿根托,罗梅罗是毫无疑问的其中一个最有影响力和重要的恐怖/ splatter /僵尸的董事,所有的时间。

Upcoming 2008 performances include a recital in Carnegie Hall in New York City singing Brahms' Liebeslieder Walzer with James Levine and Daniel Barenboim, and V.Fleishman's Rothschild's Violin with James Conlon and the Juilliard Opera Center. In 2007, he sang Rossini's Stabat Mater with Antonio Pappano and the Santa Cecilia Orchestra in Rome.

最近,沈洋在英国伦敦获得2008 Borletti-Buitoni艺术家大奖。2008年,他将与音乐大师詹姆斯·列文和巴伦博伊姆在卡内基音乐厅合作勃拉姆斯的《情歌圆舞曲》;与指挥家詹姆斯·康隆和朱莉亚歌剧中心合作演出歌剧《罗斯查尔德的小提琴》。2007年,他曾与著名指挥家安东尼奥·帕帕诺和圣西西利亚交响乐团在罗马成功合作罗西尼的《圣母悼歌》。

Circa stardate 56844.9


In the cartoon, Moore's art is supported by MoveOn.org, a left-wing Internet-based interest group that has begun rallying against Roberts' nomination by pointing out Roberts' opposition to clean air acts, promotion of strip-mining, and undermining of the Voting Rights Act, among other things.


Cast ::, Paul Newman as Reggie 'Reg' Dunlop, Strother Martin as Joe McGrath, Michael Ontkean as Ned Braden, Jennifer Warren as Francine Dunlop, Lindsay Crouse as Lily Braden,..


My influences and inspirers in this series of metal sculptures for instance ranges from graphic symbols, to Cycladic art and to the modern sculptures of Brancusi , Botero , Rodin , Giacometti , Moore , Campo , Arsipenko , and Tatlin among others.

我的影响,在inspirers这为从图形符号的范围,例如金属雕刻系列,以基克拉迪艺术的布朗库西,博特罗,罗丹,贾科梅蒂,穆尔,坎普,Arsipenko 和塔特林的现代雕塑等。

Nimbarka, a Telugu Brahman of the 12th or 13th century, spread the cult of the divine cowherd and his favourite gopi (cowherdess, especially associated with the legends of Krishna's youth), Radha.


And a third proof that the position of the battlefield was not foreseen, and that the redoubt of Shevardino was not the foremost point of that position, is to be found in the fact that Barclay de Tolly and Bagration were, till the 25th, under the impression that the Shevardino redoubt was the left flank of the position, and that Kutuzov himself, in the report written in hot haste after the battle, speaks of Shevardino as the left flank of the position.


She was most proud of this recording, on which she wrote or co-wrote all the material except "Love Colors" and was genuinely overjoyed by the outstanding musicians involved in it's creation, the likes of the great Brazilian guitarist, Romero Lubambo, pianists, Bill O'Connell and David Benoit, bassist Lincoln Goines, trombonist Jay Ashby and drummer Ricky Sebastian.

她是最值得骄傲的这个记录,因为她写道或共同撰写的所有材料除"爱的颜色",是真正喜出望外的杰出音乐家参与了它的创造,像巴西的伟大的吉他手,罗梅罗Lubambo ,钢琴,比尔奥康内尔和大卫贝努瓦,贝斯手林肯尼斯,长号手,鼓手杰比里奇塞巴斯蒂安。

Only a good time later, when reports of the battle were written at leisure, the incorrect and strange statement was invented (probably to cover the blunders of the commander-in-chief, who had, of course, to appear infallible) that the Shevardino redoubt served as an advance post, though it was in reality simply the fortified point of the left flank, and that the battle of Borodino was fought by us on a fortified position selected beforehand for it, though it was in reality fought on a position quite unforeseen, and almost unfortified.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
