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与 罗尔 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the disastrous events which made it impossible for the community of Little Clairvaux to continue its work at Big Tracadie, Dom John Mary Murphy, yielding to the desire of Bishop Harkins of Providence to have some contemplative religious in his diocese, transferred it to Lonsdale, Rhode Island, in March, 1900, leaving to other religious who came from France his monastery of Little Clairvaux.

在灾难性事件,不可能为社会的小伯尔纳上继续其工作大Tracadie ,约翰大教堂玛丽墨菲,高产的愿望主教哈金斯的普罗维登斯有一些宗教沉思在他的教区,转让给代尔,罗得岛州,在3月, 1900年,离开其他宗教谁来自法国的修道院小伯尔纳。

A long string of popular albums resulted, including Mein Liebeslied (2000), Napoli Adieu (2001), Drei Stimmen d'Amour (2001; co-featuring Mara Kayer and Francine Jordi), Mein Gefьhl (2002), Das Beste von Monika Martin (2002), Himmel aus Glas (2003), Eine Liebe Reicht fьr Zwei (2004), Ave Maria: Lieder zur Stillen Zeit (2004), Ein Kleines Glьck (2005), Schmetterling d'Amour (2005), Heute Fьhl' Ich Mich Wie Zwanzig (2006), and Aloha Blue (2007)- most of which were Top 20, if not Top Ten, hits in Austria and anywhere from Top 50 to Top 100 hits in Germany.


The theorems of Ibn al-Haytham, Omar Khayyam and Nasir al-Din al-Tusi on quadrilaterals , including the Lambert quadrilateral and Saccheri quadrilateral , were the first theorems on elliptical geometry and hyperbolic geometry , and along with their alternative postulates, such as Playfair's axiom , these works had a considerable influence on the development of non-Euclidean geometry among later European geometers, including Witelo , Levi ben Gerson , Alfonso , John Wallis , and Giovanni Girolamo Saccheri .

定理伊本Haytham,欧玛尔海亚姆和纳西尔基地丁铝土司上quadrilaterals ,包括德兰伯特四边形和萨凯里四边形,是第一个椭圆形的几何定理和双曲几何,并连同其替代假设,如普莱费尔的公理,这些作品有相当发展的影响非欧几里德几何之间稍后欧洲geometers ,包括Witelo ,列维本格森,阿方索,约翰瓦利斯和乔瓦吉罗拉莫萨凯里。

An infantryman is on guard on Grassy Knoll in Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands during World War II.


Conceived and composed by Aerosmith and Savatage producer Paul O'Neill, most of the song were penned O'Neill, Robert Kinkle, and Savatage founder and keyboardist Jon Oliva, and features the rest of the seminal Florida metal band on the record.


Paul Klemperer of Nuffield College, Oxford University, said the two economists came from different ends of the discipline, with Mr Schelling brilliantly intuitive and Mr Aumann one of the world's cleverest and most abstract economic thinkers.


Paul Klemperer of NuffieldCollege, OxfordUniversity, said the two economists came from different ends of the discipline, with Mr Schelling brilliantly intuitive and Mr Aumann one of the world's cleverest and most abstract economic thinkers.


The roster of composers and conductors who have led the Philharmonic includes such historic figures as Theodore Thomas, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Antonín Dvoák, Gustav Mahler (Music Director, 1909–11), Otto Klemperer, Richard Strauss, Willem Mengelberg (Music Director, 1922–30), Wilhelm Furtwngler, Arturo Toscanini (Music Director, 1928–36), Igor Stravinsky, Aaron Copland, Bruno Walter (Music Advisor, 1947–49), Dimitri Mitropoulos (Music Director, 1949–58), Klaus Tennstedt, George Szell (Music Advisor, 1969–70), and Erich Leinsdorf.


SB Babbage, Man in Nature and Grace; E Brunner, Man in Revolt; G Carey, I Believe in Man; S Cave, The Christian Estimate of Man; D Cairns, The Image of God in Man; W Eichrodt, Man in the OT ; WG Kummel, Man in the NT ; J Laidlaw, The Bible Doctrine of Man; JG Machen, The Christian View of Man; HD McDonald, The Christian View of Man; J Moltmann, Man; J Orr, God's Image in Man; HW Robinson, The Christian Doctrine of Man; RF Shedd, Man in Community; CR Smith, The Bible Doctrine of Man; WD Stacey, The Pauline View of Man; TF Torrance, Calvin's Doctrine of Man; CA vanPeursen, Body, Soul, Spirit; JS Wright, What Is Man?

锑巴贝奇,人在自然和恩典;电子邮件布,人在起义; G凯里,我相信人;山洞,基督教估计人; D凯恩斯,图像在上帝的人; W Eichrodt ,人在加时赛;工作组Kummel ,人在新台币; J莱德劳,圣经学说的人; JG麦,基督教观的人;高清麦当劳,基督教观的人; J莫尔特曼,男; J奥尔,上帝的形象在人;老罗宾逊,基督教学说的人;射频谢德,人在共同体;责任史密斯,圣经学说的人;的WD斯泰西,波利娜观的人;因子托兰斯,加尔文的学说的人;加利福尼亚州vanPeursen ,身体,灵魂,精神;江苏赖特,什麼是人?

On March the first 2008, Armenian police dispersed hundreds of supporters of the defeated presidential candidate, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who'd rallied for eleven days denouncing President Serzh Sargsyan's February election win as fraudulent.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
