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与 罗娜 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Two years later, in the lighthearted film "Cheaper by the Dozen," Myrna Loy played Lillian Gilbreth, a mother of twelve. The father is an efficiency expert, an expert in doing things better and faster.

两年后,一部轻松的电影"买一打更便宜"默娜-罗依扮演了一位 12 岁的母亲莉莉安-吉尔布瑞斯,父亲是一位效率专家,一个做事又好又快的人。

The young Russian had the patronage of the Grand Duke Vladimir and, especially, of his wife, the Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, but most of the money required by the huge apparatus of the festival had to be found by the ingenious Astruc.


Her godparents were Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany ; the Landgrave of Hesse ; Count Gleichen ; the Duchess of Nassau ; the King of Sweden and Norway ; the Princess of Leiningen ; Grand Duchess Marie Feodorovna ; the Crown Princess of Denmark ; and the Duchess of Inverness .


At the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, he teaches both classical piano and jazz improvisation. He performs worldwide.


Nutra, located in Greenville, S.C., is dedicated to producing the highest-quality supplements using the latest technology in state-of-the-art facilities.


Katrina, Alex, and Paul dove to the ground.


The Bermuda archipelago is six hundred miles away from the coast of North Carolina and is formed by about 300 coral islands of which only 20 are in habited.


Hanna is expected to arrive on the Carolina coast this weekend.


So I think that in books 5 and 6, we will learn that Rowena Ravenclaw's family has died out, and the same for Helga Hufflepuff.


In the second, and even in the third century before Christ, there were Hellenist historians, such as Eupolemus, Artapanus, Demetrius, and Aristeas; tragic and epic poets, such as Ezekiel, Pseudo-Philo, and Theodotus, who, after the manner of the ancient classical writers, but for their own purposes, described certain periods of Jewish history, or sang of such themes as the Exodus, Jerusalem, or the rape of Dinah.

在第二次,甚至在公元前三世纪,有Hellenist历史学家,如Eupolemus , Artapanus德梅,并Aristeas ;悲剧和史诗的诗人,如厄泽克尔,伪斐罗和Theodotus ,谁,在地古代的经典作家,而是为自己的目的,说明某些时期犹太人的历史,或生等主题的大量外流,耶路撒冷,或强奸黛娜。

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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
