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与 缴纳 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A foreign investor which reinvests in Hainan Island dividends from an enterprise on Hainan Island for period of five years or more shall be entitled to a 40% refund on the income tax already paid on the reinvested amount.


Article 11: In the event that foreign investor directly reinvests its incomes from operation in its enterprise, increases registered capital, or takes the incomes as the investment capital to establish other foreign funded enterprises with operation period no less than 5 years, 40% of the income tax paid for its reinvestment sector can be refunded on approval of tax authorities.


Any foreign investor of an enterprise with foreign investment which reinvests its share of profit obtained from the enterprise directly into that enterprise by increasing its capital, or uses the profit as capital investment to establish other enterprises with foreign investment to operate for a period of not less than five years shall, upon approval by the tax authorities of an application filed by the investor, be refunded forty percent of the income tax already paid on the reinvested amount.

第十条 外商投资企业的外国投资者,将从企业取得的利润直接再投资于该企业,增加注册资本,或者作为资本投资开办其他外商投资企业,经营期不少于五年的,经投资者申请,税务机关批准,退还其再投资部分已缴纳所得税的百分之四十税款,国务院另有优惠规定的,依照国务院的规定办理;再投资不满五年撤出的,应当缴回已退的税款。

"Any foreign investor of an enterprise with foreign investment which reinvests its share of profit obtained from the enterprise directly into that enterprise by increasing its registered capital, shall, upon approval by the tax authorities of an application filed by the investor, be refunded forty percent of the income tax already paid on the reinvested amount."


Any foreign investor of an enterprise with foreign investment which reinvests its share of profit obtained from the enterprise directly into that enterprise by increasing its registered capital, or uses the profit as capital investment to establish other enterprises with foreign investment to operate


If such enterprise reinvests in enterprise with exportable products or advanced technological enterprise, and the reinvested enterprise, within three years from the year beginning to operate, reaches the standard of export enterprise or remains advanced technological enterprise, the amount of reinvestment and income tax paid shall be refunded.


Release by Bank member of its 18% currency for lending or relending, with some restrictions, such as the requirement that the funds only be used in the currency concerned without being converted or are only used for initial lending and not indefinite lending and relending.


Industrial project using land through remising should pay land income according to different fixed assets investment besides the compensation for farmers.


More some of individual leader builds back up boost one's courage to break the law, put forward " enter red light, bypass to go " wait for catchword, construction project both neither is dealt with establish procedures definitely, also not cost of pay state regulation, countryside program administrator choke with silent fury, some make what Yan Zhi remonstrates with is not by move, lost an official namely.


In requisitioning vegetable fields in suburban areas, the units using the land should pay new vegetable field development and construction fund.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
