英语人>网络例句>编码 相关的搜索结果


与 编码 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It codes for only some of the proteins needed by the chloroplast.


Genetic algorithm is used for the optimal subset searching and the strategy for chromosome coding, the choice of fitness function and the design of genetic operators are discussed.


The color encoding during transmission uses luminance and two chrominance signals. We will detail these signals later in this section.


In this paper, the chromosome coding method and the operator of genetic algorithm are discussed in detail.


Both the CEP290 and LCA5 genes encode proteins with vital functions in the cilium of the photoreceptors, transporting visual proteins to the compartment where vision occurs.


Algorithm is general information or information can be understood with a string of numbers combine to produce the ciphertext can not understand the steps, key is used to encode the data and a decryption algorithm.


On the basis of the optimizing program,the microcomputer output of arranging the order of parts,the statistic of the classification of part names and the statistic of characteristic information of parts,and the classification of part groups using BASIC-Ⅱ language are pre- sented.


There are many different types of coding mechanisms, and to simplify our analysis it is useful to classify them.


The mRNA of pituitary glands from seven important economic Pleuronectiformes fishes was extracted,the cDNA sequences of GH gene were then isolated from Cleisthenes herzensteini,Limanda yokohamae,Pleuronichthys Cornutus,Cynoglossus robustus,Platichthys bicoloratus, Zebrias zebra and Paralichthys dentatus with RT-PCR method by using designed specific primers based on the reported GH cDNA sequences of Pleuronectiformes. The results of sequencing showed that lengths of the above cDNAs are as follows: 479 bp,564 bp,519 bp,440 bp,564 bp,440 bp and 522 bp.The GH cDNA sequences encode mature polypeptide of about 140 to 170 amino acid.The full-length growth hormone cDNAs of Paralichthys lethostigma and Scophthalmus maximus were cloned by Switching Mechanism At 5\' end of the RNA Transcript RACE technology.

从7种重要鲽形目经济鱼类——高眼鲽、黄盖鲽、木叶鲽、宽体舌鳎、石鲽和条鳎、夏鲆的脑垂体中提取mRNA,并采用RT-PCR方法,根据已克隆得到的鲆鲽鱼类生长激素基因的保守性序列设计特异性引物,克隆了含开放阅读框的生长激素(Growth Hormone,GH)cDNA序列,测序结果显示,高眼鲽、黄盖鲽、木叶鲽、宽体舌鳎、石鲽、条鳎和夏鲆的GH cDNA长度依次为479 bp、564 bp、519 bp、440 bp、564 bp、440 bp和522 bp,编码140-170个氨基酸的成熟GH多肽片段;从漠斑牙鲆和大菱鲆脑垂体中提取mRNA,利用SMART-RACE技术建立脑垂体cDNA文库,并从该文库中克隆出大菱鲆和漠斑牙鲆生长激素基因cDNA全长序列。

Some signs of an outdated web site include: chunky, slow-loading graphics, old-style "framed" coding, where the site is divided up into panes that load separately, little animated cartoon clip-art throughout the site, and text created as images instead of in HTML.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
