英语人>网络例句>编码 相关的搜索结果


与 编码 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Simulation results show that the new detectors have a significant performance gain over basic group-based MAP algorithm in uncoded systems and have a faster convergence in coded systems.


Simulation results show that the coding gain of this scheme can achieve 10 dB at bit-error rates around 10-3 compared with the uncoded QPSK in M fading channels.

仿真结果表明:在适应于北京地区的M衰落信道中,RS码与MPSK相结合方案在不增加频带带宽的前提下,与未编码的QPSK相比较,在Pb=10-3时,可有10 dB的编码增益

The distance of coded points or uncoded points was calculated with several groups of photographs taken by a camera with software XJTUDP, and then their average value was acquired.


It is divided into three parts: In Part 1, based on mumerical simulations with the pseudo-spectral method, we introduced some new concepts such as the response speed of soliton interaction, the symbol correlation range, etc., and simplified the evolution problem of general soliton sequencies into the evolution problem of finite equivalent classes of words on a unoriented circle, and then gave out the count formula of the equivalent classes by Pó1ya theorem.


Attenuation The trp operon is also controlled by attenuation A leader sequence in the polycistronic mRNA upsteam of the coding region of the trpE structural gene encodes a 14 amino acid leader peptide including two tryptophan residues The RNA leader sequence can for several possible stem-loop secondary structures,one of which can act as a transcription terminator whilst a different stem-loop can act as an anti-terminator.

弱化作用 trp 操纵子也受到弱化作用的调控。在trpE结构基因编码区上游的多顺反子mRAN上有一段前导序列,可以编码一个含有14个氨基酸的前导肽,此肽中含有两个色氨酸残基。

Results Mobiligy shifts of SSCP in exon 5 of presenilin-1 was detected in 4 cases with Alzheimer,s disease. Two missense mutation were found in the patients by DNA sequence analyse, one mutation was Leu 130 Met and the other was Vall 57 Leu.Another 11 patients showed one single strend shifted rapidly. But none mobility shifts of SSCP were found in patients with vascular dementia and normal controls. Conclusions It is shown that mutations in exon 5 of presenilin-1 also exist in the patients with sporadic Alzhemer?

结果 发现4名SAD患者的PCR产物SSCP分析发生泳动异常,DNA序列分析发现:这4名SAD患者的130号密码子发生了CTG→ATG错义突变(388位点发生C→A突变),使编码的氨基酸由亮氨酸变为蛋氨酸(Leu 130 Met);157号密码子发生了GTG→CTG错义突变(469位点发生G→C突变),使编码的氨基酸由缬氨酸变为亮氨酸(Val 157 Leu),另有11名患者SSCP表现为一条单链增快,其性质待定。

This robust encoder features a double sealed housing that allows the encoder to be operated in regulatory washdown and high pressure steam or caustic chemicals environments.


Sequencing analysis showed that the nucleotide sequence of this ChIL-18 mature protein gene was 5l0bp including the stop coden and the same as the published ChIL-18 cDNA sequence by Schneider K.

DNA序列测定表明,克隆得到的ChIL-18 cDNA与国外报道的完全一致,包括终止密码子在内其编码区的长度为510bp,编码169个氨基酸残基的蛋白质。

Among the three transcripts, OsIM1 and OsIM1a share the same coding region and encode functional proteins, while the alternatively spliced OsIM2 are interrupted frequently by stop coden.


Full length nucleic acid sequence of recombinant pGEM-AC-7 were determined and we found recombinant pGEM-AC-7 was 1146 bp long, inculding all open reading frame except initiation coden ATG and 192 bp 3-end non-coding reagion.

DNA序列分析和PCR鉴定表明,插入片段均由5&端特异引物单个引物扩增出来,对7号重组克隆插入片段DNA全序列分析表明,7号重组克隆插入片段全长1146 bp,包含了除启始密码子外的全部编码区和192 bp的3&端非编码区。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
