英语人>网络例句>编码 相关的搜索结果


与 编码 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mitochondrial DNA; non-coding region; coding region ; system performance ; heterogenicity


Here, a novel heuristically DNA sequencesdesign algorithm is proposed, which is based on nearest neighbor thermodynamic modeland can generate a set of DNA sequences with uniform melting temperature.


The algorithm first used KNNModel to build multiple clusters on a given dataset and chose few clusters for each class as representatives to construct a hieratical coding matrix in training phase, and then the matrix was used to train each single classifier.


KDa. The deduced amino-acid sequence of the ORF showed high similarity to those of the above △〓-fatty acid desaturases which had characteristics of membrane-bound desaturases including three conserved histidine-rich boxes and two long hydropathy profile.


Methods: Clone the genes of ScFv (OC183B2) and PE38 into PET30a and then express the immunotoxin after induced with IPTG.


11 All "family "dies must have an insertable part number ,and must have revision pin inserted within the part number insert.


KT101.1 Computer Keyboarding Lab 1.5 KT101.2 Computer Keyboarding Lab 1.5 A101.1 Accounting I Lab 1.5 A101.2 Accounting I Lab 1.5 E102.1 Business Communications 1.5 E102.2 Business Communications 1.5 C108.1 Spreadsheet Applications Lab 1.5 C108.2 Spreadsheet Applications Lab 1.5 C110.1 Computer Medical Applications Lab 1.5 C110.2 Computer Medical Applications Lab 1.5 ME101 Medical Terminology 3 ME102.1 Medical Office Procedures Lab 1.5 ME102.2 Medical Office Procedures Lab 1.5 ME104.1 Medical Insurance Records 1.5 ME104.2 Medical Insurance Records 1.5 ME106.1 Advanced Medical Coding 1.5 ME106.2 Advanced Medical Coding 1.5 MA110.1 Anatomy and Physiology/Musculoskeletal, Integumentary, Eye, Ear, and Endocrine Systems 1.5 MA110.2 Anatomy and Physiology/Musculoskeletal, Integumentary, Eye, Ear, and Endocrine Systems 1.5 MA111.1 Anatomy and Physiology/Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive, Nervous, and Cardiovascular Systems 1.5 MA111.2 Anatomy and Physiology/Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive, Nervous, and Cardiovascular Systems 1.5 MA112.1 Medical Office Administration 1.5 MA112.2 Medical Office Administration 1.5 Total Quarter Credit Hours - 36

KT101.1电脑键盘操作实验室1.5 KT101.2电脑键盘操作实验室1.5 A101.1会计本人实验室1.5 A101.2会计本人实验室1.5 E102.1企业通信1.5 E102.2企业通信1.5 C108.1电子表格应用实验室1.5 C108.2电子表格应用实验室1.5 C110.1计算机医学应用实验1。 5 C110.2计算机医学应用实验室1.5 ME101医疗术语3 ME102.1医疗办公室程序实验室1.5 ME102.2医疗办公室程序实验室1.5 ME104.1医疗保险记录1.5 ME104.2医疗保险记录1.5 ME106.1高级医疗编码1.5 ME106.2高级医疗编码1.5 MA110.1解剖生理学/骨骼,体被,眼,耳,和内分泌系统1.5 MA110。 2解剖生理学/骨骼,体被,眼,耳,和内分泌系统1.5 MA111.1解剖生理学/消化,泌尿,生殖,神经,心血管系统和1.5 MA111.2解剖生理学/消化,泌尿,生殖,神经,心血管系统和1.5 MA112.1医疗办公室行政1.5 MA112.2医疗办公室行政1。 5 总数的四分之一学时- 36

Gene sequence of FLE of Gloydius intermedius was cloned successfully and deduced the animo acid sequence.


In the study of interpolative VQ, we propose two adaptive interpolative mixed coding schemes using linear and nonlinear interpolative technique respectively. Both methods can give good performance at low bit rate.


Our previously study has been showed that transgenic N.benthamiana and N.tabacum plants expressing TYLCCNV DNAβC1 developed pleiotropic morphologic abnormalities such as leaf curling,distortion and interveinal protuberances on the abaxial surface. To determine whether theβC1 protein of TbCSY is also responsible for symptom induction,we prepared transgenic N.benthamiana and tomato plants expressing the TbCSV DNAββC1.Of the rooted plantlets,only 10%of transgenic N.benthamiana plants were moderately abnormal,including upward leaf curling.

DNAβ互补链上编码一个保守的ORF,即βC1,对TYLCCNV DNAβ的βC1的突变发现它编码一个症状决定因子,表达TYLCCNV DNAβ的βC1的转基因烟草产生曲叶、畸形和叶背面组织增生等发育异常的表型,而大部分转化TbCSV DNAβ的βC1基因的烟草和番茄植株均与正常植株类似,只有少数烟草表现出轻微叶上卷表型。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
