英语人>网络例句>编码 相关的搜索结果


与 编码 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is important to syncretize the spatial data and nonspatial data in the ETL.


In the period of the power tariff reform, attention should be fully given ..

各位大侠好我有客人问我tariff code 是多少,我上网查了也查不出个所以然来请高手指点迷津呀告诉我怎么去查这个所谓的关税编码,还有它跟海关编码 HS c

According to system design and module design, to complete the software coding3、Take charge the unit test of self coding.

协助产品经理进行程序的模块设计和分析以及各种文档的整理,给用户提供技术支持,参与项目的技术论证和设计思路2 、根据系统设计及模块设计,完成软件的编码工作3 、负责完成所编码模块的单元测试。

In Tierra, organisms such as the 45s discovered that they didn't need to carry a lot of code around to replicate themselves because their environment was full of code -- of other organisms.


In Tierra, organisms such as the 45s discovered that they didn't need to carry a lot of code around to replicate themselves because their environment was full of code -- of other organisms .


Tilter of the recombinant vaccinia virus is 1×109 pfu/ml.Conclusion This experiment provides a new approach to study the function of CD20 which will also lay a foundation of preparation for the mAb against CD20. human CD20;recombinant vaccinia virus;gene expression


Viii Furthermore, topicalisation realises the situational parameter Mode, the speaker's manipulative ways of arrangements of experiential meaning in terms of his cognitive schema and communicative intention in aware of the addressee's knowledge; and the phonological category for realising Theme and Topic is Tonicity. It is then clear that topic systems in text are informational in essence.


C Supports both Firmware Hub and LPC Memory Read and Write Cycles Auto-detection of FWH and LPC Memory Cycles C Can Be Used as FWH for Intel 8xx, E7xxx, and E8xxx Series Chipsets C Can Be Used as LPC Flash for Non-Intel Chipsets Flexible, Optimized Sectoring for BIOS Applications C 16-Kbyte Top Boot Sector, Two 8-Kbyte Sectors, One 32-Kbyte Sector, Three 64-Kbyte Sectors C Or Memory Array Can Be Divided Into Four Uniform 64-Kbyte Sectors for Erasing Two Configurable Interfaces C FWH/LPC Interface for In-System Operation C Address/Address Multiplexed Interface for Programming during Manufacturing FWH/LPC Interface C Operates with the 33 MHz PCI Bus Clock C 5-signal Communication Interface Supporting Byte Reads and Writes C Two Hardware Write Protect Pins: TBL for Top Boot Sector and WP for All Other Sectors C Five General-purpose Input Pins for System Design Flexibility C Identification Pins for Multiple Device Selection C Sector Locking Registers for Individual Sector Read and Write Protection A/A Mux Interface C 11-pin Multiplexed Address and 8-pin Data Interface C Facilitates Fast In-System or Out-of-System Programming Single Voltage Operation C 3.0V to 3.6V Supply Voltage for Read and Write Operations Industry-Standard Package Options C 32-lead PLCC C 40-lead TSOP

0第0页,本页显示记录0-0,共0条记录分0页显示C支持两种固件中心和LPC内存读取和写入周期自动的FWH和LPC的记忆圈C检测可以用于英特尔8xx系列,E7xxx,E8xxx系列芯片组和C可以用作FWH与至于非英特尔芯片组的BIOS应用柔性优化扇区开放16字节热门引导扇区,两个8 - Kbyte的,一个32字节部门,3个64 - Kbyte的C或存储阵列,线性预测编码闪光可分为四个统一为两个可配置的接口擦除的FWH / LPC接口为64 - Kbyte的行业,系统运行C地址/地址多路复用在制造过程中用于编程接口的FWH /线性预测编码界面C与33 MHz的PCI总线时钟 5信号通信接口进行操作,支持字节读取和写入引导扇区的顶部和WP C两硬件写保护引脚:任务型为所有其他部门 5个通用输入的系统设计的灵活性识别的多种设备选型部门登记销锁定为个别部门读取和写保护的A /阿复用界面C 11引脚复用引脚地址和8引脚的数据界面C促进快速系统内或外的系统编程的单电压3.0V至3.6V的操作供应的读取和写入操作业界标准的封装选项电压 32 -引脚PLCC 40引脚的TSOP

On this basis, by means of analyzing hierarchical relations among power system resources, the coding objects are divided into enumeration type, hierarchical relationship type and topological relation type, then coding rules are defined for different types of objects.


Background Slowly activating delayed rectifier potassium currentI_(Ks is important in therepolarization of human cardiomyocyte action potential,especially in forming andmaintaining plateau of action potential. I_ channel is combined byαandβsubunits,which are coded by KCNQ1 and KCNE1 respectively. Mutations ofhKCNQ1/hKCNE1 genes,chronic myocardial hypertrophy and chronic heartfailure will lead to dysfunction of I_ and ingenital or acquired LQTS which areimportant factor in hazardous ventricular arrhythmia such as Torsade depoints.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
