英语人>网络例句>缕 相关的搜索结果

与 缕 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is no such event as sunrise in the dark world of my dark elven heritage, nothing in all the lightless Underdark to match the beauty of the sun inching over the rim of the eastern horizon.


Phragmites Australis, Ael uropus liitoralis, Zoysiamacrostachya, Messerschmidia sibirica, Limonium bicolor were the main vegetation types in the chenier seaside, but in the chenier plain, Artemisia annua, Artemisia mongolica and Herba Heteropappi Altaici occurred frenquently.


Yifei invincible in the face of contemporary features, but it is regarded by some wander inborn temperament, is a kind LEONG Mongolia at the beginning of a wisp floating darkness, she is not the most beautiful eyes, but the lips -- can be as brilliant purples and reds, just like LIPIDE - LIKE best of the century.


Treating Z macrostachya seeds with NaOH solution was simple and feasible with highest germination rate.


The results show that Poaceae formed monophyletic group comprised of four clades, cladeA, B, C, D.


She was young—no older than nineteen—with sunny streaks in her mousy brown hair. Her lips formed a perfect, red bow.


The latter clade could be further divided into two strongly supported subclades:(Juglandaceae-Rhoipteleaceae)-Myricaceae, and (Betulaceae-Ticodendraceae)-Casuarinaceae.4 Six sequences combined analysesPhylogenetic reconstructions were performed under a number of scenarios for each of five combined data sets to elucidate the stability of the phylogeny trees.


A lot of stuff was shown off - a glimpse of the Quidditch World Cup, scenes from the various tasks, Cho Chang, Mad-Eye Moody's roving eyeball in action and his explanation of the Avada Kedavra curse, Dumbledore pulling a silver memory thread out from his head for the Pensieve, the Yule Ball in full swing with Hermione dancing with Victor Krum, and glimpses of the Tri-Wizard task member names being called along with Potter's name being yelled out rather nastily by Dumbledore.


The study of phytotaxonomy of the genus Stellaria in Inner Mongolia.


The study of phytotaxonomy of the genus Stellaria in Inner Mongolia.

标题 内蒙古繁属的分类研究。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
