英语人>网络例句>缕 相关的搜索结果

与 缕 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate. They call it zugunruheThe pull of the soul to a far-off place. Following a scent in the wind, star in the sky. The ancient message comes, calling the kindred to take flight and to gater together.


When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate. They call it zugunruhe The pull of the soul to a faroff place. Following a scent in the wind, star in the sky. The ancient message comes, calling the kindred to take flight and to gater together.


And he was a passionate, and wild, and moody man, who became lost in reveries; so that he would not see that the light which fell so ghastlily in that lone turret withered the health and the spirits of his bride, who pined visibly to all but him.


Two new plants of Hamamelidaceae from Guizhou.


The sequences of matK from 36 plant species in Hamamelidaceae have been accomplished and the sequences have been submitted to GenBank.


Wo new plants of Hamamelidaceae from Guizhou.

itle 贵州金梅科的两个新植物。

Keywords: Hamamelidaceae sensu lato, ITS region, sequence analysis


The phylogenetic trees of Hamamelidaceae sensu lato were constructed based on the sequences of nrDNA ITS of 49 species, 23 genera, 4 subfamilies.

测定和分析了金梅科6亚科、23属,49种植物的rDNA ITS区序列,构建其分子系统树。

Keywords: Hamamelidaceae, matK gene, phylogeny


Further study was carried on the cpDNA matK in Hamamelidaceae and its systematic significance (the sequences of matK of some species have been obtained, and the research have been funded by NSFC), and molecular and systematic study were also carried on Magnoliaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Labiatae.

在此基础上,开始了对金梅科叶绿体DNA mtK基因及其系统学意义的研究(已测定部分种类的matK基因序列,并获国家自然科学基金国际合作项目的连续资助),同时对木兰科,红树科,唇形科植物类群开展了分子系统发育研究。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
