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Up to now, I like heliotrope, everyday I look at them turn forward sun slowly with dewdrop on it's flowers, they are so ? and lovely.


Slowly, Westley stands, his sword pointed at Humperdinck's chest Drop…your…sword.


It frequently happened that when M. Madeleine was passing along a street, calm, affectionate, surrounded by the blessings of all, a man of lofty stature, clad in an iron-gray frock-coat, armed with a heavy cane, and wearing a battered hat, turned round abruptly behind him, and followed him with his eyes until he disappeared, with folded arms and a slow shake of the head, and his upper lip raised in company with his lower to his nose, a sort of significant grimace which might be translated by: What is that man, after all?


Madeleine was passing along a street, calm, affectionate, surrounded by the blessings of all, a man of lofty stature, clad in an iron-gray frock-coat, armed with a heavy cane, and wearing a battered hat, turned round abruptly behind him, and followed him with his eyes until he disappeared, with folded arms and a slow shake of the head, and his upper lip raised in company with his lower to his nose, a sort of significant grimace which might be translated by: What is that man, after all?


Seeing snowflake dancing slightly ,sun rising slowly behind the hill, a stream of light sent out into the house mysteriously and mistily,all of these may lead us to the peerless peaceful and glorious place within the deep of our heart.


But if they avoid all contact with others for too long a period, they fall into fresh danger of monomania, hallucination, or illusory progress.


In the center of the devastation the expected mushroom cloud slowly rises -- soon to be followed by many more if your opponent retaliates in kind.


I walk by his side, pluck flowers by the way, arrange them carefully into a nosegay, then fling them into the first stream I pass, and watch them as they float gently away.


Even with the benefit of the outboard motor, the boat slid down the brackish waterway at snail's pace.


Apr 15th 2010 | PASCAGOULA, MISSISSIPPI | From The Economist print editionAS YOU crest a rise on Mississippi's Highway 63, just north of Pascagoula and the Gulf coast, the vista unfolds.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
