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与 绿蓝 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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He found that the red pigment proved to be iron oxide, hematite; a yellow consisted of clay containing iron or yellow ochre; a blue color was a finely powdered glass; and a pale blue was a copper carbonate, probably azurite; green were malachite; black was charcoal or boneblack; gray, a limestone mixed with charcoal; and a quantity of pigment remaining in a paint pot used in the decoration, contained a mixture of hematite with limestone and clay.


An entirely new palette of nine exterior colours has been developed for the Phantom Drophead Coupé: Metropolitan Blue, Admiral Blue, Jubilee Silver, Diamond Black, Duck Egg Blue, Semaphore Yellow, English White, Woodland Green and Ensign Red.


The conclusion is that celeste color relate to the mica which contain chromium, the emerald jade has the same cause, the cause of green color of the green- pink jade has some relativity to epidote, green part of the white-green jade is found that the mineral is diopside which contain mass of iron and chromium.


The absorption spectrum center wavelength of dolomite is near 232 μm is shorter than 235 μm of limestone,and thus RBD7 and RBD8 can be employed effectively to identify dolomite and limestone,respectively. Felsic rocks show AlOH and Fe3+ absorption characteristics in the VNIRSWIR region,while the maficultramafic rocks show Fe2+ and Fe,MgOH absorption features,hence the use of different valence state of iron and secondary minerals can distinguish them:ASTER band2/band1 represent Fe3+ distribution,ASTER band2/band1 represent the Fe2+ distribution,RBD6 can estimate the AlOH mineral abundance. Psammitic/pelitic schist containing phengite,chlorite,stilpnomelane,as well as the weathered surface covered by clay minerals,exist characteristic absorption spectrum in the 221 μm(band 6),and has a high reflectance in 165 μm(band 4),while the blueschist/greenschist show high reflectance in the 221 μm(band 6),and it exit low reflectance in 165 μm(band 4),and blueschist/greenschist appear low ASTER band4/band6 ratio.

白云岩的CO2-3吸收谱带中心波长位于232〖KG*3〗μm,与灰岩的CO2-3 吸收谱带中心波长位置235 μm相比,具有向短波长方向移动的特点,据此可以利用RBD7、RBD8分别有效的识别白云岩和灰岩;长英质岩石显示AlOH和Fe3+ VNIRSWIR吸收特征,而基性超基性岩石显示Fe2+和Fe、MgOH特征,利用不同的铁价态和次要矿物可以区分它们:ASTER band2/band1代表了含Fe3+矿物分布信息、ASTER band5/band4代表了含Fe2+矿物分布信息、RBD6可以估计AlOH矿物的丰度;砂质/泥质片岩含较多的多硅白云母、绿泥石、黑硬绿泥石以及风化后表面覆盖的其它粘土矿物,在221 μm(band 6)存在有特征的吸收谱带,并且在165 μm(band 4)具有较高的反射率,而蓝片/绿片岩在221 μm(band 6)反射率较高,不具有明显特征吸收谱带,同时其在165 μm(band 4)反射率较低,因此蓝片/绿片岩ASTER band4/band6 比值低。

The coesite-diamond-bearing eclogite distributed in the northern part of the UHPM belt suffered three stages of metamorphism. The first stage is the Ep amphibolite facies metamorphism, which is represented by the paragenesis of phe+Qtz+Cro/Bar Bar+Ep+Ab occurred as inclusions in Grt and Omp; The second stage is the peak metamorphism of eclogite facies with mineral assembledge of Grt+Omp+Coe±Dia±Ky±Zo±Phe+Rt. The P -T condition is 800±50℃,≥28Kb; The third stage is the amphibolite facies retrograded metamorphism from the peak one, which can be divided intothe early amphibolite facies stage with the mineral assembledge of Amp+ Pl+Di+Qtz±Ep+Ilm/Ttn and the late greenschist facies one with the mineral assembledge of Ep+Chl+Bi+Tr+Ab.


Nevertheless, the latter group shows similar strength in red, yellow, blue, and green, which means that except for the blue-tinted Sci-Fi, Horror&Thriller and Action&Adventure have no distinct color tone.


Diamonds are colorless, white, black, purple, green, yellow, deep yellow, brown, cinnamon, yellow, and green, blue and green, blue, dark gray and other colors.


Malachite Green (C.I. Basic Green 4) MG, Guinea Green (C.I. Acid Green 3) GG and Reflex Blue R54 (C.I. Pigment Blue 61) RB were embedded into silica matrices via sols synthesized by hydrolysis of TEOS in water and ethanol.

孔雀绿(正一碱性绿4 )镁,几内亚绿(酸性绿3 ) GG和反射蓝色晴空(颜料蓝61 )经常被嵌入到二氧化硅矩阵经溶胶合成水解的TEOS在水和乙醇。

The Emerald Isle: Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because of its rich green countryside.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
