英语人>网络例句>绿蓝 相关的搜索结果


与 绿蓝 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Recently a third hybrid light-emitting layer has been developed that uses nonconductive polymers doped with light-emitting, conductive molecules. The polymer is used for its production and mechanical advantages without worrying about optical properties. The small molecules then emit the light and have the same longevity that they have in the SM-OLEDs.


Earth is home to over six billion humans and over one octillion Prochlorococcus.


Three caynobacterial (Anabaena subcylindrica,Nostoc muscorum and Oscillatoria angusta) filtrates were prepared in different concentrations and their effects on the isolated pathogenic fungi from leaves, stems and roots of Faba bean were studied.

为了探讨细菌防治真菌的能力,利用三种蓝绿菌(Anabaena subcylindrica、Nostoc muscorum及Oscillatoria angusta)的菌液抑制由蚕豆根、茎及叶分离出来的各种病源真菌。

It's believed that the future development of oxyfluoride glass ceramics will focus on the realization of unitization of materials, and the realization of high efficient short wavelength laser output, particularly in blue-green laser output.


In order to further study the blue and green visible band up-conversion emission mechanism of rare earth-doped material, the different host glass of oxyfluoride crystallite glasses were prepared by conventional melting method.


We have investigated oxyhalide glass in detail for the blue and green light output.


This research on spectral properties and crystallization stability of Er3+-doped heavy metal oxyfluoride glasses and upconversion luminescence of rare earth-doped heavy metal oxyhalide glasses lay a foundation for the potential use of broadband Er3+-doped fiber amplifier, blue and green lasers.


She stood four meters tall at the shoulder, and had a pebbled skin with an iridescent green and blue sheen.


Therefore,the band ratio of ASTER band 4 and band 6 can effectively distinguish blueschist/greenschist and psammitic/pelitic schist.

应用ASTER band4/band6波段比值可以有效的区分开砂质/泥质片岩与蓝片岩/绿片岩。

Based on the analysis of chemical composition,mineral composition and the spectral absorption characteristics of different lithostratigraphic units,the Relative Absorption BandDepthand the bandsratio method were adopted to process ASTER VisibleNear Infraredand ShortwaveInfraredmultispectral data from the east Kalpin Uplift,southwest Tian Shan. Limestone,dolomite,sandstone,blueschist/greenschist and psammitic schist/pelitic schist,in the study area were well discriminated.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
