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Influence of elicitor and how to enhance inductivity on cell suspension cultures are summarized in this paper.
The paper emphatically summarizes the classification, thinking mode, present status, problems and devolopment of methods for solving nonlinear system of equations, and specially recommends some practical and new methods, such as the elimination by eliminant with aid of basic sets, homotopy method and decomposition method, etc.
This paper summarized the environmental behavior of BTEX in soil from the aspects of adsorption-desorption, volatilization, eluviation, and degradation, with the focus on the factors affecting the adsorption and desorption of BTEX in soil. The future research directions were also discussed.
In this paper, the advances in the research on seawater exchange ability were summarized. The water exchange models and methods were analyzed and compared, and the research hot spot and tendency of water exchange in the field of embayment and artificial reefs in the future were discussed.
The following discussion of embryological origins, morphological characteristics and possible roles of Malassez epithelial rest was presented in this review.
In this paper, a list of apomitic species of Paspalum is given. The cytological and embryological bases, and the characters of apo...
In this review, we focus on the expression of microRNA in embryonic stem cell and their function.
The main research work of this paper are focused on following areas:(1) Based on review of the theory and methods on measurements of particle fields, a new idea for obtaining particle size and velocity distribution within a spray through imaging the particle field with a laser light sheet was put forward;(2) A DPIV (Digital Particle Image Velocimetry) system, is fit for velocity measurements of low speed flows, was developed and expended to particle size distribution measurement;(3) An arithmetic for particle velocity field reconstruction was developed, and the velocity distribution of water mist was also obtained;(4) A software system for particle analysis, which based on image geometry emend, de-noise and image partition was developed, the parameters such as particle size distribution, mean diameter, number of particles, minimum and maximum diameter can be got with this system;(5) A water mist system was developed and its characteristics, such as droplet velocity, size distribution, number of droplets and spray cone angle under different conditions were obtained from experiments with PIVS;(6) The measurement results of water mist characteristics with PIVS were compared and analyzed with the simply simulated results, and in addition, in order to verify the accuracy of PIVS, some experiments were conducted with the standard particles, such as glass-ball with known mean diameter of 50μm and 115μm, metallic coated tracing particle with mean diameter of 12μm;(7) Some experimental studies on interaction of water mist with liquid pool fires were conducted.
本论文的主要工作包括以下几个方面:(1)在对粒子场测量的相关理论和具体方法进行综述分析的基础上,提出了通过采用激光片光对粒子场进行成像以获取其粒径和速度等参数分布的新思路;(2)研制了适宜于低速流动速度场测量的DPIV(Digital Particle Image Velocimetry)系统,并使其实现了对粒子场粒径分布的测量功能;(3)研制了基于粒子运动轨迹的速度场重建算法,获取了细水雾雾场的速度分布;(4)研制了基于几何校正、去噪、图象分割等图象处理方法的"粒度分析软件系统",该系统既可分析给出粒子场的粒径分布直方图和平均粒径,还可给出粒子的数目以及最大、最小粒径等信息;(5)建立了一细水雾发生系统,并应用上述方法对不同压力条件下细水雾系统的雾场特性(如速度分布、雾滴粒径分布、雾滴的数目、喷雾张角以及雾化长度等)进行了实验测量研究;(6)对细水雾特性参数的PIVS测量结果与计算机简单模拟计算结果进行了定性比较分析,并利用平均粒径为50μm和115μm的玻璃球以及12μm的标准示踪粒子对PIVS系统的粒径和速度测量结果进行了实验验证,同时对其局限性进行了分析讨论;(7)对不同工况条件下细水雾与油池火相互作用的过程进行了模拟实验研究。
This article made reference to some research results at home and abroad, mainly from the economic impact of tourism on the research and development and the economy of employment, foreign exchange, regional economic development in several aspects of the relatively simple synthesis
This paper reviewed the research progresses about the cysts, especially the resting cysts of protozoans, mainly focused on the characteristics of morphologies, structures, constituents, and living activities, as well as molecular mechanism and significance of encystment for the protozoans, also, cell behavior during encystment and excystment was involved based on the references reported.
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Plunder melds and run with this jewel!
My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.
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