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与 综合指标 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on connotation of intensive land use and the evaluation principle of intensive deployment of city land,this paper establishes a set of scientific and practical index system in evaluating the intensive utilization of city land,and conducts a demonstration analysis in 13 cities of Jiangsu Province by the way of multifactor comprehensive evaluation,rank correlation coefficient and cluster analysis.During the last ten years from 1997 to 2006,the urban land use intensity had increased in all cites,but varied in amplitude and mode in different cities.Urban land use intensity was descending sharply from the southern and the middle to the northern part of Jiangsu Province,in which Nanjing was the tiptop and Suqian was the lowest .


The optimum hydrolytic conditions of razor clam for neutral protease were : enzyme concentration 2.4%, hydrolysis temperature 50癈, substrate concentration 1:3, pH 7 and reaction time 6 hrs with the degree of hydrolysis and extraction rate of total nitrogen 42.46% and 83.04% respectively; and foracid protease they were: en/yme concentration 6.0%, hydrolysis temperature 50癈, substrate concentration 1:4, pH3.5 and reaction time 5 hrs with the degree of hydrolysis and extraction rate of total nitrogen 46.37% and 87.94% respectively, the hydrolysate being clear light yellow. For the combination of two kinds of proteases they were: first hydrolyzing with 2.6% f 1 avouryme for 3 hrs, then hydrolyzing with 2.4% neutral protease for 3 hrs with the degree of hydrolysis and extraction rtiie of total nitrogen 4-1.57% and 86.95% respectively.


It is concluded that milk replacer which contented 70% plant protein was beneficial to improve the immune function of the calves, and calf can adapt to high level plant protein better after born 30 days.


In the regulation engineering of inland waterway,the type selection of revetment has always been a bothering problem for many designers.


This paper explores improving the relativity of accountancy information from two aspects : the first is upgrading the current financial report system , for which the author proposes that part of items in the current financial statements should be improved and relevant statements such as overall income statememt should be included ; the second is upgrading the current financial analysis method , including development of du pont analysis method and revisal of wale proportion analysis method , for which the author proposes that attention should be paid to the financial analysis , meanwhile enhance analysis of unfinancial index , establish banlance marl record and a set of efficient evaluation system by applying synthetic grade - point method


Response time was the design, I design,"a high pressure pump-valve-cylinder non-recovery of integrated power detection device design" This system can detect pump, valve, cylinder and the basic performance indicators can do right cylinder Test.


Subsequently, with combination of the results of quantitative and qualitative evaluation, a comprehensive survey is offered to the proposal of Macao Peninsula Ring-road High way.Eventually, several Criteria of implementing projected proposal are put forward before the action of putting proposal into practice .


Studying the related theory to the atical first, for example .competing theory, parallel theory , city Risorgimento theory and so on, carries out qualitative analysis on development of Cheng Hua District again , basing the qualitative analysis apply the SPSS software to analyse the way studying Cheng Hua District on quantitative analysis , to work out corresponding way to improve chenghuas competing power.


We can mak use of the combination of two policy. Suggestions: In order to improve RUD in rural areas of China and RUD researches, the researcher suggested: 1.Pay more attention to the manager's impact on improving RUD and make use of its paradigm and leading impact. 2.Apply ten core interventions including STG and EDL. They are applying STG, applying EDL, developing a drug management department and perfecting its function, educating health workers, supervising and checking up the use of drugs, developing independent drug information system, carrying out public education, economic interventions, improving the work rate of drug use and health workers by ensuring sufficient budget. 3. Make use the pressure of applying the new-type CMS and apply many types of interventions to improve RUD in rural areas.

建议:为进一步促进农村地区合理用药,完善农村地区合理用药研究,建议: 1、重视乡镇卫生院院长在促进合理用药中的作用,充分发挥其示范、带动作用; 2、实施以临床诊疗规范、基本药物目录为主的十条核心干预措施,具体包括:实施临床诊疗规范、实施基本药物手册、建立医院药事管理机构,完善相关职能、开展医务人员培训、开展用药督导和审核、建立独立的药物信息提供体系、开展药物的公共教育、经济措施、保证政府投入以提高用药和医务人员的工作效率; 3、利用实施新型农村合作医疗制度的压力机制,综合使用多种措施协同促进合理用药; 4、多部门协作共同促进农村地区合理用药,由合作医疗和医疗救助等保障制度管理部门、财政部门、卫生行政部门、药品监管部门、工商行政部门、物价部门、媒体等共同参与,各司其责,共同促进农村地区合理用药; 5、在合理用药评价研究中应密切注意农村地区药品利用不足问题,建立正确的评价假设; 6、构建适合我国国情的完善的合理用药干预措施效果评价指标体系,加强标准值研究。

In conclusion, rumen fermentation Environment of grazing sheep were a bad condition during most periods of the year.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
