英语人>网络例句>综合指标 相关的搜索结果


与 综合指标 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first step is to get an evaluation index information map series; the second step is to do quantitative analysis and evaluation to every evaluation index by using the GIS software; the third step is to comprehensively evaluate the regional ecological function; the fourth step is to regionalize the ecological function.


Computer aid cotton field nutrients regionalize management based on nutrients spatial interpolating and fertilizer recommendation system based on GIS were studied.


Comprehensive comparing the thickness of cuticle, the quantity of sclerenchyma and the density of vein-bundles of the leaves of 7 cultivars, a comprehensive index of rub-resistant character of leaf was gained as one of tramp- resistant character indexes.


On this basis, according to historical data, apply ANN and differential simulation method to get the quantitatively correlative relations between each production and its own influence factors, and introduce the new methods of prediction for dynamic indexes with gas-field development (The combinatorial prediction method based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, the method of ANN to select optimally combinatorial prediction models and the ANN prediction method based on genetic algorithm).(2) Base on mathematical programming, combine with quantitative economics and techno-economics, introduce economical indexes to establish production"s distribution optimal model, production"s constitution optimal model and measured production"s constitution optimal model, including multi-objective models and five-years models. Upon this, the optimal project for all gas field and each gas-collected factory can be got. Also, introduce the time value of capitals to improve on these models.(3) Base on the optimal solution theory and algorithm theory for the nonlinear programming problem, introduce the SUMT algorithm and genetic algorithm to study how to solve the models, and on the basis of normal genetic algorithm, make use of auto-adaptively modulating method to improve on normal genetic algorithm; Base on algorithm"s convergence theory and calculation"s complexity theory to analyze seriatim SUMT algorithm"s convergence and genetic algorithms convergence, and compare performance with each other.


Take consider of the comparison of the light efficiency and the color rendering index we can find that: one piece of 1000W plasma lamp can equivalence to 2 pieces of 1000W metal halide lamp( no considering the light declining in ceramics metal halide lamp running ), and the lifetime of plasma lamp is 2 times to the metal halide lamp, so as a total by considering the lifetime and light efficiency indexes the one shot cost of metal halide is : 2×6500×2=26000YRMB, So we can find that the plasma lamp can save us 20500YRMB in the one shot cost.

根据两款灯发光效率和显色性的工程照明指标相比较得出:1个1000W的等离子灯相当与2个1000W金卤灯的照明效果(不计陶瓷金卤灯的后期光衰),而等离子灯的寿命是金卤灯的2倍,综合寿命和照明效果两项指标,在一次性投入上,金卤灯是2×6500×2=2.6 万元,由此可见,等离子灯的一次性投入比金卤灯节省2.05 万元。

Stored under the condition of 8~10℃, relative humidity 90%~95% for 30 days, snap bean which had been dealed with coating had 5 class in sense organs index, and decreased its commodity value. While when snap bean was treated with the combi...


Because of the uncertainty of indexes in the process of classifying solonchak soil,the entropy value theory is applied to combining the traditional fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for salt-affected soil classification.


Based on theory of fuzzy sets and method of confirming index weight in AHP model, we establish respectively the quality comprehensively evaluating fuzzy models of the condition monitoring system, condition monitoring and analysing system, condition monitoring and analysing and fault diagnostic system of large rotating machines. We propose and establish the calculating formulas to assess the confidence level about application of the maximum subordinative rule.


The comprehensive assessment model for navigation safety for oil tanks in the Singapore and Malacca Strait is put forward based on the fuzzy comprehensive assessment method- a relatively perfect mature quantity assessment method in recent years. Weights of each corresponding index and the subordinative degree of each assessment element is determined after extensive work with Delphi method.


Oxygen and carbon isotope of the carbonate sediments separately indicate lake waterδ~(18)O andδ~(13)C_,δ~(18)O indicates the volume of the input water which is a good index of Lake water level changes;δ~(13)C_ indicates the degree of the exchange between the lake and the atmosphere and indirectly indicates the ice cover time controlled by the temperature.3. Environmental changes in Lake Sugan drainage area during the past 2670 years reconstructed by mul-index synthesis analysis indicates that during


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
