英语人>网络例句>维持生活的 相关的搜索结果


与 维持生活的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In his eloquent new novel, Benjamin Markovits — an American writer who lives in London — retells episodes in the life of Lord Byron from the viewpoint of Annabella Milbanke, whose marriage to the poet lasted only a year or so.

Benjamin Markovits新书《宁静的节制》,从拜伦妻子Annabella Milbanke——他们的婚姻只维持了一年多点——的角度令人信服的叙述了拜伦的生活。Benjamin Markovits是现在住在伦敦的美国作家。

The theory of "harmonious forest farm" reckons that:①State-owned forest farm is an exoteric complex-system, which is the coupling of forest ecosystem, forestry economic system, and social system in forest farm;②Harmonious forest farm is the farm constructed under the background of socialist market economy and building a moderately prosperous society;③The features of "harmonious forest farm" are the development of production, the prosperity of life and good ecological environment;This farm is a modern state-owned forest farm, the symbols of which are the high value of itself, the good benefits of wokers and the abundance of forest resources;④The key of it is the harmony of farm and society, farm and environment as well as farmitself——that is to say,"harmonious forest farm" should aim to meet the needs of the country and thesociety; forest management should put maintaining and enhancing biodiversity, forest ecosystem health and integrity to the center; inside the forest farm, there should form the mechanism of balancing interests and learning mechanism for sharing at the core of the executive feedback mechanism of forest management, advancing the workers to form a comradely mutual aid relationship.


There was one time when the whole nation has an upsurge of learning computer skills. Our factory also managed to give some lessons. Things like hard drive, RAM, keyboard, none of them I could understand. I didn't really mean to learn. In a small backward city like ours, the factory business is not promising. The salary of my wife and I put together can barely maintain the everyday life. Computer is an extravagancy that was too remote for us. I once believed that's something I could never afford to buy (about 10, 000 RMB for each at that time). Even if I could afford one, I was interested in it.


That such penitential practices produce morbid and gloomy characters is absurd to those who know the lightheartedness that prevails in strict religious communities; that they are injurious to health and abbreviate life cannot be seriously maintained in view the remarkable longevity noted among the members of very austere orders.


It analyzes that the detailed contents of the management of city wandering mendicancy salvation are to provide them with material salvation for them to keep a basic living standard, to protect their basic human rights, and to share with them the fruits of social development.


How people regard leisure services when their lives become better and better. The service industry consists of four unique principles:intangible, simultaneity, perishability, and heterogeneity. In addition, the service quality is very important in each industry. However; if enterprises want to stand out to face the competitive environment, they must maintain excellent relationships with their customers. But sometimes it is rather difficult to avoid service failure during the service delivery process. Therefore, it is important to do well in service recovery.


The archives recount a thousand incident of the sort. This does by no way mean that all year round the friars and the Christians were up in arms. It means only that many a time the sturdy walls of the "castle" of Bethlehem were the only refuge the Christians had against the perpetration of violence and injustice. Furthermore it shows the uncertainty the Christians lived in for many years.


The couple haven't got along with each other after marriage and at last divorced ten years later.the children was left to her husband,the more misfortunately,the growed-up son died in the first world war.the marriage left her nothing but miserable memory.


Mordantly funny, free of both self-pity and sentimentality, Karr describes her attempts to untether herself from her troubled family in rural Texas, her development as a poet and writer, and her struggles to navigate marriage and young motherhood even as she descends into alcoholism.


Avery\'s short but lucrative life as a pirate was captured in a play titled The Successful Pirate that ran for several years at Drury Lane Theatre and helped perpetuate the image of a pirate as a dashing outlaw.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
