英语人>网络例句>维持生活的 相关的搜索结果


与 维持生活的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The carrying threshold is carrying capacity, carrying capacity of oasis system is the ability of self-management and self-control, the containable ability of resource and environment of oasis system, the ability of economic activities, and social development ability satisfying standard of living of certain population amount.


The major biological function of triglyceride was energy storage and supplement especially in the condition of cell suffered from energy. In the meanwhile, the triglyceride also decomposed and releases H2O that stimulate metabolic function and biochemistry reaction of the cell. Above all the mention, cholesterol and triglyceride were indispensable in the normal physiological function in the human body. In the recent years, the hypertension, diabetes mellitus, stroke and coronary artery diseases were very popular and suffered from many people that lack of exercise, changes life style and diets habits leading to increase crapulence, tension, obesity and aging. Above all the diseases were very concerned with the hyperlipidaemias.


Because mineral water contain many mineral, and mineral is the important material for composing human apparatus, adjusting physics, maintaining health. So health protection mineral water is the best choices for living drink. Mineral water is a trend comparing with common water.


III Changing address books pushes the past against the present where there is little time or place for the dead , though my mind harkens back to the prayers we said in temple when I was young about how the dead live on in the minds of those who cherish their memories, and how we prayed that their names might be inscribed for a blessing in the book of life… This old address book is like a kaddish, a prayer, a reminder of love that was and still sustains.

三 改变地址簿推过去对本只要有一点时间或为死了,虽然我心目中harkens回到祈祷我们说,在寺庙当我年轻时有关如何死的生活在人的头脑中这些谁珍惜自己的回忆,以及我们如何祈祷他们的名字可能者为福在这本书中的生活…这种旧的通讯录就像一个kaddish ,祈祷,提醒爱,这是仍然维持。

As a special biological resource, water sustains the operations of all kinds of ecosystems in polder area, not only the elementary basic for human life and work, but also natural ecological structure, process and environment.


Minimum subsistence allowance is a social guarantee system,when anyone can not maintain minimum subsistence,government would supply them the minimum subsistence.


The beauty of keeping reptiles is that once you've set up their caging requirements and learned a few basic skills, there are many species that can be safely and efficiently kept within the home and should live out a full, healthy life.


The beauty of keeping reptiles is that once you've set up their caging requirements and learned a few basic skills, there are many species that can be safely and efficiently kept within the home and should live out a full, healthy life.


Any person who, being or having been a Crown servantmaintains a standard of living above that which is commensurate with his present or past official emoluments; oris in control of pecuniary resources or property disproportionate to his present or past official emoluments, shall, unless he gives a satisfactory explanation to the court as to how he was able to maintain such a standard of living or how such pecuniary resources or property came under his control, be guilty of an offence.

二香港「防止贿赂条例( Prevention of Bribery Ordinance )」第十条规定:「任何现任或曾任官方雇员的人维持高於与其现在或过去的公职薪俸相称的水准;或控制与其现在或过去的公职薪俸不相称的金钱资源或财产,除非就其如何能维持该生活水准或就该等金钱资源或财产如何归其控制向法庭作出圆满解释,否则即属犯罪。

This dissertation observes the gentries' efforts on supporting family keeping local stability and showing charities by probing into a case.the three generations' family and social life in a historic situation in the early Qing Dynasty and also studies their colorful life styles to inquire into the historical changes of the attitudes towards the new state from hostility,revolt,acquiesce to cooperation and the social origins.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
