英语人>网络例句>继续生活 相关的搜索结果


与 继续生活 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So here we are talking about an incompatible duality: despite the fact that a huge amount of people, animals and plants will die, life will continue to exist, because the exhausted battery of the earth will be reloaded by the enormous solar storm.

因此, 我们在这里谈的是不兼容的二重性:尽管一人,动物和植物的大量死亡,生活将继续存在,因为地球用尽的电池将被巨大的太阳风暴重新加载。

The Lakers, D-Fenders, and Laker Girls then wished everyone a happy holiday season and the children all went on their merry way, with armfuls of gifts and memories for a lifetime.


There will be aways peoplewho will hurt you,so you need continue trusting,just be careful.


As they get to know each other better, the couple transforms each other's lives while spending their time drinking, dancing, and de-constructing the mysteries of life. Will Mick finally find the love he needs in life or should he have just stayed on his barstool?


Greater than 4 km, and to avoid large axial eruptions that send lava flows as far as 3.5 km away from the axis (5), we measured the 230Th-238U disequilibrium of basalts from 5 to 40 km off-axis.


Biorhythm Theory states that each person is influenced by three biological cycles, physical, emotional and intellectual, which begin at birth and continue throughout our lives.


When Matthew Kahn and Iestimated household carbon emissions across American metropolitan areas we found that the three areas with the lowest emissions were San Diego San Francisco and San Jose. Carbon emissions in these places are still more than four times the emissions in the brownest Chinese city and10 times as high as the household emissions in the average Chinese city. Thatgulf reminds us why America has so little moral authority on global warming and why the world's carbon emissions will probablysoar as China and India acquire the living patterns of prosperous nations.

Matthew Kahn和我估算着美国大都市的居民碳排放,我们发现圣地亚哥、旧金山和圣何塞是碳排放最低的3个地区,但是这些地方的碳排放仍然高出中国污染最严重的城市4倍多,而且比中国一般城市的居民排放率高出10倍,这种差距提醒我们为什么美国在全球变暖事务上没有足够的权威性,以及为什么全球的碳排放将继续增长,随着中国和印度正在向富裕国家的生活模式靠近

We are complaining about the too busy life,but still being busy to afford for the leisures ,which is that paying for a cafila to a bubbling over like a cauldron of boiling water place and looking at flowers while riding on the hoarseback.


So we cowards get on with our own lives and try not to think about her too much.


I have been in all my Circumstances a Memento to those who are touch'd with the general Plague of Mankind, whence, for ought I know, one half of their Miseries flow; I mean, that of not being satisfy'd with the Station wherein God and Nature has plac'd them; for not to look back upon my primitive Condition, and the excellent Advice of my Father, the Opposition to which, was, as I may call it, my ORIGINAL SIN; my subsequent Mistakes of the same kind had been the Means of my coming into this miserable Condition; for had that Providence, which so happily had seated me at the Brasils, as a Planter, bless'd me with confin'd Desires, and I could have been contented to have gone on gradually, I might have been by this Time; I mean, in the Time of my being in this Island, one of the most considerable Planters in the Brasils, nay, I am perswaded, that by the Improvements I had made, in that little Time I liv'd there, and the Encrease I should probably have made, if I had stay'd, I might have been worth an hundred thousand Moydors; and what Business had I to leave a settled Fortune, a well stock'd Plantation, improving and encreasing, to turn Supra-Cargo to Guinea, to fetch Negroes; when Patience and Time would have so encreas'd our Stock at Home, that we could have bought them at our own Door, from those whose Business it was to fetch them; and though it had cost us something more, yet the Difference of that Price was by no Means worth saving, at so great a Hazard.


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But we don't care about Battlegrounds.


Ah! don't mention it, the butcher's shop is a horror.


Tristan, I have nowhere to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it.

Tristan ,我不知道把这信寄到哪里,也不知道你是否想收到它。