英语人>网络例句>继承人 相关的搜索结果


与 继承人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Run your hotel with a staff of celebrity oddballs including spoiled heiress / manager London Hell-Ton and ex-movie megalomaniac concierge Dom Cruiser.

经营你的旅馆通过一群古怪的名人,他们包括被宠坏了的继承人/经理London Hell-Ton和想当然的电影夸大狂看门人Dom Cruiser。

Run your hotel with a staffof celebrity oddballs including spoiled heiress / manager LondonHell-Ton and ex-movie megalomaniac concierge Dom Cruiser.

经营你的旅馆通过一群古怪的名人,他们包括被宠坏了的继承人/经理LondonHell-Ton和想当然的电影夸大狂看门人Dom Cruiser。

Run your hotel with a staff of celebrity oddballs including spoiled heiress / manager London Hell-Ton and ex-movie megalomaniac concierge Dom Cruiser .

在一群名声古怪的员工的帮助下打理您的酒店,包括被宠坏的女继承人/经理London Hell-Ton和前电影自大狂管理员Dom Cruiser。

By establishing international production sites and sales companies, Faber-Castell grew to e the world's leading producer of wood-cased lead and colored pencils.


" Prince Vassily looked inquiringly at the princess, but he could not make out whether she was considering what he had said, or was simply staring at him."I pray to God for one thing only continually, mon cousin," she replied,"that He may have mercy upon him, and allow his noble soul to leave this …""Yes, quite so," Prince Vassily continued impatiently, rubbing his bald head and again wrathfully moving the table towards him that he had just moved away,"but in fact … in fact the point is, as you are yourself aware, that last winter the count made a will by which, passing over his direct heirs and us, he bequeathed all his property to Pierre.

& 瓦西里公爵以疑问的眼神望望公爵小姐,但他没法弄明白,她是否在想他对她说的话,还是随便地望着他……&我为一桩事一直都在祷告上帝,mon cousin,&她答道,&祈祷上帝宽恕他,让他高尚的灵魂平安地离开这个……&&对,是这样的,&瓦西里公爵心情急躁地继续说下去,一面用手搓着秃头,愤愤地把推开的茶几移到身边来,&可是,到头来,到头来,问题就在于,你自己知道,去冬伯爵写了遗嘱,把他的全部产业留给皮埃尔,我们这些直系继承人都没有份了。

He that pretends to be a successor of the apostles, and takes upon him the office of teaching, is obliged also to admonish his hearers of the duties of peace and goodwill towards all men, as well towards the erroneous as the orthodox; towards those that differ from them in faith and worship as well as towards those that agree with them therein.


And instead of trying to micro-manage his succession, rig the state elections and prepare for endless court battles, when he leaves office at the end of May Mr Duke is going off to America for a music course.


English: Confucius said:Zang Wu Zhong(1), after committing a sin, fled to his feudal community, Fang, and sought to establish his line of succession with Lord of State of Lu.


"What," said the notary,"do you not intend making Mademoiselle Valentine de Villefort your residuary legatee?"


"What," said the notary,"do you not intend making Ma de moiselle Valentine de Villefort your residuary legatee?"


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
