英语人>网络例句>继承人 相关的搜索结果


与 继承人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Diadochi, or Successors, were only strong enough to hold together fragments of Alexander's empire.


To the south, the lack of a Hapsburg heir in Spain – and the feeble-mindedness of Charles II – means that a Bourbon could one day rule in Madrid.


To the south, the lack of a Hapsburg heir in Spain – and the feeble-mindedness of Charles II – means that a Bourbon could one day rule in Madrid.


But after a Brussels dinner party in 2000, the prince decided to help with the dishes and wound up washing7 and drying with fellow guest Coombs, 29, the softspoken8 daughter of a British businessman and a Belgian mother.


Nowadays , there are more and more people owning private cars. On the one hand, some wealthy people who either are the boss of the private company or the white-collar managers in big companies have their private cars. On the other hand, some young people who are future-minded buy private cars ahead of their income by loans from banks.

在,有越来越多的人在一方面拥有私人的汽车,任何一个是在大公司的私人的公司或白色领子经理的老板的一些富裕的人有 th 继承人私人的汽车在另一方面,是介意未来的一些年轻人从银行由贷款在他们的收入前买私人的汽车是它有一辆私人的汽车的一件好或坏的事情?

The Church, formerly the declared enemy of Rome-Babel, had become her ally, accepting Edom's blessing,"By thy sword shalt thou live"(Gen. xxvii. 40), as her own; and, on the other hand, there appeared her priests ("galla"= hair-clipped) and monks, in the guise of the old Hebrew Nazarites and saints, claiming to be the true heirs to Israel's prophecy and priesthood.

教会的前身宣布的敌人,罗马的通天塔,已成为她的盟友,接受益登的祝福,&你的剑本当你的生活&(创二十七40 ),她自己,以及对另一方面,出现了她的神父(& galla &=头发夹)和僧侣(& kummarim &),在花样翻新的旧希伯来语nazarites与圣人,自称为真正继承人以色列的预言和神职人员。

Net - the so-called elite social-networking site - to one of the Nestle heirs, Gawker says traffic on the site has been flat for years.


Net - the so-called elite social-networking site - to one of the Nestle heirs, Gawker says traffic on the site has been flat for years.


He called Simpson, 25, a "cut-rate Rapunzel slingin' hash in a Vegas diner" and said Lohan, 19, was "drowning in grown-up groaners" that added 30 years to her looks. Blackwell said hotel heiress Hilton looks "like yesterday's cheesecake," criticised "Desperate Housewives" television star Eva Longoria for "garish taste" and described Oscar winner Renee Zellweger as looking like a "painted pumpkin on a pogo stick."


Here the heir-ship and heiress-ship of the world, here the flame ofmaterials


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
